Saturday, August 31, 2019
A Rose for Emily Character Analysis
Miss Emily Grierson, the protagonist of William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†is an unusual character in the sense that she is depressed, withdrawn, and ill. Isolated in her father’s decaying mansion in Jefferson, Mississippi, unwilling to accept the passing of time, Miss Emily shows several symptoms of a mental illness. Throughout the story, Miss Emily is living all alone (except for her servant, Tobe) in her deceased father’s decaying mansion. Miss Emily’s story is told by the townspeople, who are very interested in the unusual traits that Miss Emily shows. Miss Emily refuses to change with the town and the times, and stubbornly clings to the past. She is a lonely woman because her father scared all of her suitors away when she was younger. All alone and mentally ill, Miss Emily shows that she is mentally sick through her sad, stubborn efforts to cling to the past. Miss Emily shows her first signs of being unable to change with the times at the beginning of the story, when she refuses to pay her taxes and give her house a mailbox. The members of the Board of Alderman visit Miss Emily to collect her taxes, she is very offended at the action. Miss Emily insists that she is not required to pay taxes in the city of Jefferson and that the officials can speak with Colonel Sartoris about the issue. However, at the time of this conversation, Colonel Sartoris has been dead for nearly a decade. Miss Emily struggles with moving forward with time because she does not want to change. She does not want to face the fact that she is all alone and unhappy. Miss Emily is unable to cope with the loss of her father, who was the only man in her life, and this is the main cause of Miss Emily’s mental illness. The story then jumps forward about thirty years, and the townspeople recall another incident of Miss Emily being visited by town officials. At this time, Miss Emily’s father, Mr. Grierson, has just passed away, and there is an awful smell coming from the mansion. Judge Stevens, the town mayor who pity’s Miss Emily decides to solve the problem by sprinkling lime in her yard, rather than to confront her. At this point in the story, the townspeople feel sorry for Miss Emily because she is thirty years old, and still single because her father never allowed her to date or marry. The next day, the women from Jefferson pay a visit to Miss Emily to offer condolences from her father’s death. Miss Emily refuses to admit that her father is dead, and holds on to the body for three days before finally turning it over for the funeral. The smell coming from the Grierson home, most likely from her father’s decaying corpse, shows Miss Emily’s inability to let go of the past and move on with the future. Later in the story, Miss Emily becomes very friendly with a construction foreman, Homer Barron. The townspeople assume that Miss Emily is spending time with this gentleman because she was never allowed to date when her father was alive, and the pity her because Homer is below her social class. As Miss Emily and Homer Barron continue to see each other, Miss Emily goes to the local drugstore to purchase arsenic, with no explanation. The next day, the package is delivered to her home with a note saying the arsenic is for rats. After Miss Emily purchases a sliver toilet set that is monogrammed with Homer’s initials, the townspeople assume that Miss Emily and Homer have gotten married. Soon after, Homer comes home one day, and never leaves again. Miss Emily’s appearance soon decays along with her home. No one from the town ever saw Miss Emily or Homer again, until her death at age seventy-four. When the townspeople come into the Grierson home for the funeral service, the townspeople find a room that appears to have been untouched for a number of years. Inside the room, the townspeople see Homer Barron’s dead corpse laid in the bed with an iron gray hair on the pillow next to him from Miss Emily’s latter part of life. Miss Emily was unable to admit to the loss of both her father and Homer Barron because she had a hard hold on the past, and refused to let go of it until she finally died. Miss Emily was a sad character, because she was depressed, mentally ill, and unable to grasp the passage of time. It is seen by the townspeople through her actions that she was very sad and lonely, and willing to go to great lengths to keep from being alone. Faulkner showed the struggle that Miss Emily had with this through her lack of upkeep to her home, her inability to change with the town of Jefferson, and her refusal to let go of her deceased loved ones.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Is Police Brutality a Serious Problem in the US? Essay
Introduction In the article, â€Å"Police Brutality is Over-Sensationalizedâ€Å", Auerback made plenty of logical arguments about the issue of police brutality. But, the statistics he showed was from the city of Chicago. For example the Rodney King case was the first major case tried in court. The Rodney King case was about an African American being pulled over for no apparent reason. Eventually the officer was acquitted of all charges. Why do police officers just feel that they are above the law? Are they above the law? Despite Auerback showing many valid points throughout the article, his argument was very one sided or biased. Summary The article ‘’the article police brutality is Over-Sensationalized’’, (Auerback, 2010) is about police brutality not being as big of a problem as the media makes it out to be. According to Auerback (2010) he claims’’ police brutality is not as commonplace as Americans claim’’. The author uses many statistics but they are only from the city of Chicago. But throughout the entire article he continuously was saying that police are put in challenging positions. 1st major point In the paragraph â€Å"The Thin Lineâ€Å", the author spoke about how excessive force by a police officer was a big problem. Auerback explained that police officers deal with dangerous situations through their regular day. Also, he described cases such as the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles being some of the reason police brutality was widespread. He said that the statistics he used couldn’t explicate a significant reason. In the paragraph â€Å"The Evidence Suggests Otherwiseâ€Å", Auerback clarified statistics showing that police brutality was not as bad as the media makes it out to be. For example, there was a study done by the Urbana – Champaign independent Media Center on police brutality. The results showed that in Illinois 2854 police officers had complaints about police brutality, but surprisingly only 7 percent of the officers were regulated. Later on in the paragraph Auerback argued that police officers have the right to use excessive force to a certain extent. Basically in this paragraph the author is arguing that there isn’t enough evidence to prove police brutality isn’t a big deal. The paragraph â€Å"having the Opposite Effectâ€Å", Auerback explained how the media portrays the police sometimes makes the job harder, and hurts he communities. Throughout the paragraph he showed that police brutality was a very huge charge. Also the author showed that not all police officers are bad guys as the media portrays them. 2nd Major Point There were many logical arguments and valid questions to ask during the article â€Å"Police Brutality is Over Sensationalizedâ€Å". One logical argument about the article would be why were there only a few arguments? If the author would have made the article a two-way debate about police brutality. The article would be drastically changed. Auerback did explain police brutality could be a problem but, he explained police are always in the right basically. Another question I had that wasn’t answered was are all police officers bad? There are valid examples that some police officers take their authority too far. Such as the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles made police brutality come to the light. But, because of some police officers making bad decisions and using excessive force, they give police a bad name. Lastly, another argument would be that a police officers` is very dangerous, but are they above the law? Most police officers are some of the nicest people you will meet. They put their lives on the line to serve and protect us citizens. However when you look at the statistics shown in the article they show cops get away a lot of crimes. Such as in the article the statistics done in Chicago. Throughout five years Chicago saw 1774 complains per year with only 5% of the officer having the complaints. But, in the identical survey done only 1 percent had enough evidence to start a case. That is very disturbing to hear. Why do the police officers get away with such crimes? The reason is there is just not much evidence to prove the point. The three logical points made by the article would be the police was above the law, and why do they have so much power. 3rd Major Point Auerbacks` angle of vision was very demanded by his background which gives him ethos or credibility but also shows he could be biased. His background gives him a lot of credibility. For example he had seventeen years of experience in public policy and political science. He graduated from Boston College Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, also working as a federal contractor. With all being said his perspective is biased by him working with the government. The governments’ perspective is that the government is always right. Which Auerbacks’ angle of vision is basically police are always in the right no matter what. If the author would have shown both sides of the issue of police brutality the article would be more credible. Also, the statistics shown in the article was only from the city of Chicago. If Auerback showed statistics of the entire country instead of using just a metropolitan city then the article wouldn’t be so biased. Auerbacks` angle of vision discredited the article. The author made it seem like officers always has a reason to use excessive force. Conclusion In conclusion, the article â€Å"Police Brutality is Over Sensationalizedâ€Å", spoke about how police officers use excessive force and how it was a huge problem. The author tried to downplay the issue by using examples of cases where the police officers was in the right. But, in reality there are plenty of examples of police officers using excessive force for no reason at all. His argument throughout the article was that the media over-exposes the issue. Auerback used only a certain amount of logical arguments. Despite Auerback showing many valid points throughout the article, his argument was very one-sided or biased. Works Cited Auerback, Michael. â€Å"Police Brutality is Over Sensationalizedâ€Å". John D. Ramage, John C. Bean, June Johnson. â€Å"The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writingâ€Å" 7th Edition
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Blood Analysis
Blood is a fluid substance that circulates in the arteries and veins of the body. Blood is bright red or scarlet when it has been oxygenated in the lungs and passes into the arteries; it becomes bluish red when it has given up its oxygen to nourish the tissues of the body and is returning to the lungs through the veins and the tiny vessels called capillaries. In the lungs, the blood gives up the carbon dioxide wastes it has taken from the tissues, receives a new supply of oxygen, and begins a new cycle. This movement of blood is brought about by the coordinate activity of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Plagiarism Detection >Blood is composed of a yellowish fluid, called plasma, in which are suspended the millions of cells that constitute about 45 percent by volume of whole blood. It has a characteristic odor and a specific gravity between 1.056 and 1.066. In an average healthy adult, the volume of blood is one-eleventh of the body weight, or between 4.5 and 6 liters (5 and 6 qt ). A great portion of the plasma is composed of water, a medium that facilitates the circulation of the many indispensable factors of which blood is composed. A cubic millimeter of human blood contains about 5 million red corpuscles called erythrocytes; 5000 to 10,000 white corpuscles called leukocytes; and 200,000 to 300,000 platelets called thrombocytes. The blood also carries many salts and organic substances in solution.Blood type, in medicine, classification of red blood cells by the presence of specific substances on their surface. Typing of red blood cells is a prerequisite for blood transfusion. In the early part of the 20th century, physicians discovered that blood transfusions often failed because the blood type of the recipient was not compatible with that of the donor. In 1901 the Austrian pathologist Karl Landsteiner classified blood types and discovered that they were transmitted by Mendelian heredity .The four blood types are known as A, B, AB, and O. Blood type A con tains red blood cells that have a substance A on their surface. This type of blood also contains an antibody directed against substance B, found on the red cells of persons with blood type B. Type B blood contains the reverse combination. Serum of blood type AB contains neither antibody, but red cells in this type of blood contain both A and B substances. In type O blood, neither substance is present on the red cells, but the individual is capable of forming antibodies directed against red cells containing substance A or B. If blood type A is transfused into a person with B type blood, anti-A antibodies in the recipient will destroy the transfused A red cells. Because O type blood has neither substance on its red cells, it can be given successfully to almost any person. Persons with blood type AB have no antibodies and can receive any of the four types of blood; thus blood types O and AB are called universal donors and universal recipients, respectively.Other hereditary blood-group systems have subsequently been discovered. The hereditary blood constituent called Rh factor is of great importance in obstetrics and blood transfusions because it creates reactions that can threaten the life of newborn infants. Blood types M and N have importance in legal cases involving proof of paternity.A chemist uses liquid chromatography to analyze a complex mixture of substances. The chromatograph utilizes an adsorbtive medium, which when placed in contact with a sample, adsorbs the various constituents of the sample at different rates. In this manner, the components of a mixture are separated. Chromatography has many valuable applications, such as determining the level of pollutants in air, analyzing drugs, and testing blood and urine samples.Gas chromatography separates the volatile constituents of a sample, and liquid/liquid chromatography separates small, neutral molecules in solution. The goal in conducting a separation is to produce a purified or partly purified form of the desired constituent for analytical measurement, or to eliminate other constituents that would interfere with the measurement, or both. Separation is often unnecessary when the method is highly specific, or selective, and responds to the desired constituent while ignoring others. Measuring the pH, or hydrogen ion content, of blood with a glass electrode is an example of a measurement that does not require a separation step.QHP 7694 Head Space Sampler is a machine that equilibrates the sample vials at the desired temperature for the specified time period. A needle then punctures the teflon coated septum at the top of the vial and draws a measured sample of the vapor which it sends to the Gas Chromatograph.HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph. This machine takes the vapor from the Head Space Sampler and passes it through a packed column designed specifically for alcohol in blood. As the vapor passes through this column, different compounds will travel at different rates thus exiting at diffe rent times. As the separated compounds exit, they pass through a Flame Ionizing Device (FID) which consists of a hydrogen-oxygen flame and ionizing detectors. The intensity of the ionization is measured and sent to the computer for processing. Helium Carrier Gas carries the vapors through the Gas Chromatograph. A Power Macintosh 7600 is used for report generation, correspondence and on line communication. Reports are printed using a variety of laser printers to insure optimum print quality. Blood samples are quantitatively added to an aqueous solution into which an internal standard has been added in order to compensate for sampling fluctuations within the Gas Chromatograph. Static head space methodology is employed in which an aliquot of equilibrated vapor is injected and analyzed by a Flame Ionization Detector in the Gas Chromatograph,which consists of a hydrogen-oxygen flame and ionizing detectors. The intensity of the ionization is measured and sent to the computer for processin g. Helium Carrier Gas carries the vapors through the Gas Chromatograph.Blood analysis is very important in many different situations. For example, in forensics, if a bloodstain pattern is obtained, analysis is vital. BPA (Bloodstain Pattern Analysis) may on many occasions, clearly define the location of the victim or the assailant by establishing the actions of either or both. Possible and impossible scenarios may be established to determine if the victim, witness, orassailant is accurately describing what took place.Some questions that may be answered are: What type of weapon or impact occurred to cause the bloodstains present? How many times was the victim struck ? Where was the victim at the time the injuries were inflicted? Where was the assailant during and following the assault? Is the bloodstain evidence consistent with the medical examiner findings? Is the bloodstain evidence on the suspect and his clothing consistent with the crime scene? Numerous courts throughout the coun try have upheld the value and scientific reliability of BPA. Court case information is available upon request. BPA is a valuable asset during and after the initial investigation. BPA has been extremely valuable during the establishment of the courtroom trial strategy.Blood analysis can be very important in testing for drugs. If drugs are in your system, your blood can be tested using more sophisticated means than static head space gas chromatography. You can also use urine tests and breath tests. Urine, however is the least reliable, while blood is the most.DNA Detection is a very important part of blood analysis. Thanks to a powerful biochemical tool called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), it is possible to detect incredibly tiny amounts of particular DNA molecules. Even one single molecule can be enough!DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the central molecule of life. It contains sequences of information coded along its length. The information tells cells how to build protein molecules . PCR uses proteins called enzymes, combined with small pieces of DNA called primers. The primers match the sequence of the target molecule (the one being looked for) and the enzymes make lots more of any matching molecules. The result is that one matching molecule is multiplied into billions! DNA is very important because nobody has the same DNA pattern. Every single person’s is different. DNA also lasts forever, it never disappears.Bibliography:Bibliography Plagiarism Detection >Blood Encarta Encyclopedia Blood Type Encarta EncyclopediaForensics- Encarta Encyclopedia
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Meg Whitman and Ebay Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Meg Whitman and Ebay - Case Study Example Her take on the customer is enticing. Any business is composed of customers, without whom; their absence will cause the downfall of the business. Diligence and dedication is necessary for a leader, who wants to realize her dreams. A leader should be a role model, Meg, was an all round leader who played roles in every sector of the company. Policies play a crucial role in maintaining a company. They should however, be reviewed frequently to suit the market. Among her strategies to attain this success, include the launch of eBay initial public offer that ensured hiring of efficient professionals, the ability to understand new, appropriate, and relevant business models. Adoption of a sufficient business policy to protect customers through; the launch of a comprehensive security and trust program, implementing the software to aid in fraud identification, and offering of free insurance on items whose cost is above two hundred U.S dollars. This case study of Whiteman dem onstrates the essence of embracing appropriate technology in order to build a powerful electronic commerce system like eBay. This can only be achieved and sustained through creating an appropriate loyal and passionate customer base. Importantly, the incorporation of strategic decision making is necessary if not vital for expanding a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Lean operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Lean operations - Essay Example Some scholars argued that the differences between the service and manufacturing (product) firms may interfere with the effectiveness of lean operations for the service sector (Atkinson, 2010; Lee et al., 2008). Services are intangible and can hardly be evaluated after â€Å"production,†so evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness can render complications. Other scholars stressed that lean operations are viable in the service firms, but important â€Å"actors,†such as managers, champions, enthusiast converters and implementers, must have fully prepared a change management plan (Esain, Williams, & Massey, 2008; Hines, Martins, & Beale, 2008). This essay explores how lean operations can be applied to the service industry, particularly to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS). The NHS has applied Six Sigma and lean operations concepts to develop process and quality improvements. This paper begins with an overview of operation management, and then it d iscusses the theory of lean operations and lean operations at the NHS. This paper also identifies the advantages and disadvantages of lean services. Operation Management Operations management generally refers to managing processes that produce products or render services (Greasley, 2008, p.3). During the twentieth century, developments in the theory of operations management progressed. ... Factory management slowly evolved into operations management on the supposition that manufacturing ideas could also be implemented for service organizations (Seddonand, & O'Donovan, 2010, p.34). Operation management has increasingly adopted quality management philosophies, such as Just-in-time (JIT) or lean operations and Six Sigma. These management philosophies or strategies have different objectives, but they generally agree about continued incremental quality improvements that will streamline operations and make production of goods and services more effective and efficient (Coronad et al., 2004; Dean, et al., 2009). They also have the same perspective on being part of the broader strategic management objectives of the company, and the lack of this integration has led to many lean operations efforts (Seddonand, & O'Donovan, 2010, p.34). Theory of Lean Operations Lean operations started from the theory of â€Å"lean manufacturing†that was popularized by Toyota’s Produ ction System (TPS). In the 1950s, Toyota created a set of techniques that concentrated on the supply chain side of production (Lee et al., 2008, p.973). Founder of Toyota and a renowned inventor Sakichi Toyoda started the development of the lean manufacturing concept, where the management focused on constantly improving work flow to reduce costs (Karanjkar, 2008, p.10.1). With his son Kiichiro Toyoda, they perfected the operations management concept of lean manufacturing (Karanjkar, 2008, p.10.1). Nevertheless, although lean operations is closely connected with the Japanese, in reality, some elements of its framework can be linked to Henry Ford’s production system, who also designed his production system, so that he could make customized products by
Monday, August 26, 2019
Research task case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Research task - Case Study Example This also affects the people around them especially children who sometimes, end up being psychologically tortured. Critically thinking, the UAE is not the solution to these maids’ financial problems as it only inflicts pain on them Foreign maids from impoverished countries account for about 23% of the United Arabs Emirates population, all of them desperate to at least to make a better living. The fact that the UAE is a country with adverse resources due to their huge oil reservoirs plays a major part in attracting these foreign maids (Mallinder, n.d). Some of these maids leave their native countries having in mind that they will help their families back home fight poverty. However, on reaching the UAE, their expectations end up being flushed in the drains as working conditions end up being so terrible. It is quite evident from the above information that foreign maids operate under very poor working conditions in the UAE. Foreign maids face a number of problems that psychologically affect them (Sabban, 2012). The major problem is torture and harassment, leading to physical pain and even deformities. The second problem emanates from the long hours of work with poor pay and lack of better food. Some of these female maids get sexually abused by their employers in front of the children, affecting these children psychologically and even leading to some of these maids committing suicide. Some maids end up committing crimes like beating up and even burning the employers’ children or worse of killing the employer. As a matter of fact, most of these foreign maids come from unprivileged backgrounds and hence need more psychological help and support than psychiatric evaluation before employment to adjust to cases of unsympathetic employers (Beasley and Thomas, 1992). Moreover, it reduces cases of crimes committed by the maids by a wider margin. Moreover, the Human Rights Watch, has called on the UAE
International Security in the Global Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
International Security in the Global Era - Essay Example The more popular of these theories, the realist and the neoliberal, however, have failed to provide a comprehensive understanding, or interpretive guideline, for state behaviour or, in fact, articulate a workable methodology for the enhancement of global security. Given the fact that both schools provide partial answers to the question at hand, one may argue that a more comprehensive understanding of the componential elements of global security is predicted upon the amalgamation of their arguments and interpretations. Neoliberals/liberals and realists/neorealists are locked in a perennial debate over the manner in which states define global/national security and the motivators for state behaviour within the international context. As Jervis (1999) notes, the primary area of contention between realists and liberals pertains to the source of inter-state conflict and whether it is engendered by relative or absolute gains. Identifying the state as a sovereign actor and the most important unit within the global context, realists maintain that states act towards the fulfilment of absolute gains. Within the parameters of the articulated understanding, realism assumes that conflict, rather than cooperation, is the distinguishing feature of inter-state relationships (Jervis, 1999). Concurring with Jervis' (1999) assessment of the neorealist/realist school's perception of the motivators for state behaviour, Wendt (1992) adds that the explicated perception is fundamentally predicated on the realist conceptualisation of both the international order as anarchic and of human nature as predatory. The realist tradition quite simply maintains that within the absence of a supra-state global institution as would govern state behaviour, states act towards the fulfilment of their self-defined interests, often operating in a predatory fashion, because they can (Wendt, 1992). Accordingly, and as Wendt (1992) states, realists primarily define the global order as a "self-help" system (p. 392) insofar as state actors therein are largely free to fulfil, or at least attempt to fulfil, their ambitions, often to the detriment of other states. The liberal/neoliberal tradition is, seemingly, sharply distinguished from the above insofar as it tends towards the assumption that global system is institutionalised and that state behaviour therein is not only governable but is naturally inclined towards cooperation. Both Jervis (1999) and Wendt (1992) highlight this particular neoliberal assumption and, to a degree, are supportive of it. Wendt (1992), for example, notes that the neoliberal school is fundamentally realist and rational insofar as it recognises the existence of anarchy, contrary to the neorealist assumption that neoliberals dispute this particular characteristic of the global order but, maintains that this does not function as an obstacle towards cooperation. In fact, those realists who concede to the anarchic nature of the global order contend that this functions as a motivator for cooperation and the creation of global institutions, insofar as rationality dictates that the former and the latter combine to enhance
Sunday, August 25, 2019
North Korea and the South Korean Economy Research Paper
North Korea and the South Korean Economy - Research Paper Example Countries that have the same historical and cultural background are likely to progress in the same manner. This is because generally the same culture exists in similar geographic locations. This makes the countries to have access to similar economic resources. The population of such countries also share similar skills and are able to do particular kinds of tasks generally. The system of distribution and allocation of resources might be the same too. In short, countries with the same history and culture are expected to have similar economic policies and are likely to advance in the same manner. However, this might not always be the case. North and South Korea are the prime examples of the countries that, despite having similar ethnographical backgrounds, have different economic performances. South Korea, because of an emphasis on world trade have adopted politics that are aimed at world cooperation while North Korea has adopted stringent political policies that has made it suffer econ omically and led to increased poverty and starvation.Before moving on to discuss the different economic performances of both the countries, it is important to discuss the major events that shaped the history of both North and South Korea. The economic history of Korea can be divided into three broad categories, the Malthusian stagnation to 1910 when Japan annexed the country, the colonial period from 1910 and 1945 when Korea was considered as a mandate by countries of the West, and the post colonial period where North and South Korea performed in different ways.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Individual innovation appraisal- Concise written description of an Essay
Individual innovation appraisal- Concise written description of an innovation- proposal and evaluation - Essay Example For the innovation to existing in the market, availability of capital and implementation of sustainable market strategies will play a great role. Through proper planning, goal-setting a decision-making, the innovation will go through thorough market testing. After its viability is established, it will be released into the market. Another aspect that has contributed to its existence is availability of resources including human and financial resources. Without resources, it is impossible to get through with any innovation. Over the years, 3D has acquired popularity with more people being attracted to this kind of technology. The situation has forced entrepreneurs to develop new business models. In recent times, most companies are raising capital towards tapping the growing demand and market for 3D (Taylor, 2014). The aim maintaining relevance drives them. The Mink is triggered by the level of profitability expected. The Mink is likely to be successful mainly because of the much hype it has received from the general population. People are always attracted by unique and new ways of doing things. People also like to experiment even with things that they do not necessarily need. Marketing strategies that have been adopted to market The Mink will also ensure this success. Through advertising, the innovation is receiving popularity with more people embracing the idea every day. It is evident that advertising influences the success of a business to a great extent. Through various exhibitions, awareness has been created regarding The Mink. Social media has also played a role in enhancing the popularity. The innovation is, therefore, likely to succeed. Furthermore, it is a common believe that women are impulse buyers; profits are likely to increase since they are the main users of the innovation. Nonetheless, the cosmetic industry is doing well in the business market (Restauri, 2014). Most women use
Friday, August 23, 2019
Information Systems Ethics in Triad Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Information Systems Ethics in Triad - Coursework Example These States, respectively, were: The USA, The Sultanate of Oman and South Korea. Clarification of cultural norms is proposed so as to promote effective cross-cultural communication among the regions. Ethics in USA. Dominated by universal Business ethics and are thus able to intermingle with the ethical norms elsewhere. Ethics in Oman. The ethical values of all Arab nations lie primarily upon the principles of Islam. Islam coins the word ‘Akhlaq’ to represent ethics. The ethical values othe f Oman are thus based upon those prescribed by the religion of Islam. Their compatibility with ethical values in the rest of the triad countries is fluent as the Islamic ethics are no different. Ethics in South Korea. The Korean Cultural preferences benefit Organizations over individuals. Perfectly compatible with global ethical norms, the Korean ethics emphasize upon the building up of relationships and organizational harmony. In order to determine the ethical fronts affecting the In formation Systems a number of variables are chosen. ... The analysis was done by deploying the statistical test or ANOVA was used to compare the obtained results. The non-cultural variables like age, gender etcetera affecting the responses they were put through multiple regression tests. For this purpose, the cultural variable was recorded into three dummy variables for each of the triad countries. Findings Targeting the factors that are affecting the IS usability and are similar and different in the three selected countries ethically obtained responses. Banker’s responses were the dependent variables while culture was the independent variable. Demographics of the 520 respondents are stated next: Since the questionnaire was divided into three sections namely the employees using employers IS resources for their personal use during work, employees using employer’s IS resources for their personal use after work and employers deploying observation upon employees restricting their activities to office work only. Conclusions The c ultural variable was indeed seen as a strong factor that affected the responses of the respondents. It was observed that the three countries had a number of similarities in their ethical values. However, it was observed that there were certain disagreements as well and it was sought that negotiations and accommodations would be planned so as to minimize those differences and introduce an eventual universal code of ethics for the usability of Information Systems worldwide. ROLE OF RESEARCH METHODS IN COMPUTING Research possesses integral importance in any field of life. With respect to computer science, the domain of research becomes even more important. This is owing to the fact that computing devices have become inevitable for the human race.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation Essay Example for Free
Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation Essay IntroductIon In September 2004, Wendy Wiley, the Northlake Bookstore manager, was considering the implications of a shocking development. For the first time in her seven years as the Bookstore manager, textbook sales for this fall had decreased from the prior fall sales. The sales decrease was approximately $180,000, or 3% of annual textbook sales. Wendy wanted to address this problem before it got worse. She found that this sales decrease was due to two emerging technology problems, possibly of equal magnitude: 1) the students’ increasing use of online textbook vendors, and 2) the professors’ increasing use of online textbook publishers. Wendy reported the bad sales news to her boss, Chuck Irwin, the Vice Chancellor of Finance at Northlake University. After commiserating with her, Chuck told her that he was not surprised by this sales problem and that she should consider how to deal with these emerging technologies in her next performance evaluation report by comparing the performance of the Northlake Bookstore against competitors using benchmarking analysis. This analysis would help Wendy find the strengths and weaknesses of the Bookstore. Additionally, Chuck wanted Wendy to develop a few key related short-term performance goals and related measures that could be used in future performance evaluations. He wanted to discuss the situation at their meeting next week, which was the annual review of the Bookstore’s performance for the prior fiscal year 2004 (July 2003 through June 2004). A benchmarking analysis was required by Chuck for the annual review of all the nonacademic departments under his management. Northlake is a private university, located in a major metropolitan area in the Midwest, with an annual enrollment of 12 ,700 students, mostly undergraduates. Northlake is quite dependent upon student tuition, which typically accounts for 60% of its total revenues. However, the Chancellor was concerned because donations and gifts to the University were down, possibly due to uncertain economic conditions and erratic stock market performance. Prior to becoming the Northlake Bookstore manager, Wendy had spent 15 years in retail sales, most recently as a Wal-Mart sales manager. She was an outgoing, supportive individual who really liked being a retail sales manager and enjoyed working with her employees. She strongly believed in continuous improvement of any sales department that she managed. Despite her extensive retail experience in the for-profit sector, this was her first experience working in an academic environment. Wendy occasionally became frustrated working with faculty due to their late or inaccurate book orders. However, she liked helping students and enjoyed working in an academic environment without all the pressures of a for-prof it business with aggressive sales and earnings targets like Wal-Mart. China Case Competition 2009 To prepare her benchmarking analysis report required for the upcoming annual performance evaluation of the Bookstore, Wendy had collected income statement, product line, and other performance measures for the last three fiscal years. To aid evaluation, she summarized the various Bookstore operations into five product lines: textbooks, supplies and sundries, clothing, software and accessories, and computers. The textbook product line included new texts, used texts, class notes (course packs), and general reference books. The supply and sundry line included school and office supplies, electronics, food, sundries, greeting cards, and miscellaneous campus department sales. The clothing line included all insignia clothing, gifts, and memorabilia. Wendy knew she needed to act fast to thoroughly analyze all the information needed for the Bookstore’s annual benchmarking analysis that Chuck and the Chancellor required. She had a lot of historical information and was wondering how to analyze this financial information for her benchmarking analysis report. BEncHMArKInG Benchmarking is the process of identifying superior performance of other organizations for products, services, and processes, and then attempting to improve necessary areas with the goal of achieving similar excellence. The benchmarking process first became popular in 1989 after Xerox advertised its success with the tool; however, the tool was initially employed by Xerox in 1972. In fact, more than 70% of the Fortune 500 companiesâ€â€which includes ATT, Ford Motor Company, IBM, and Eastman Kodakâ€â€reported using benchmarking regularly. Benchmarking is useful in countless decision-making settings including performance evaluation, health and safety management, and supply chain management. To reach for greater standards of excellence, Ford would likely consider foreign automobile manufacturers that have been well known for high efficiency and quality, such as Toyota, the current world-wide leader in automobile sales. Wendy currently benchmarked the performance of the bookstore against other college bookstores and major booksellers. In performing a benchmarking analysis, it was imperative for Wendy to benchmark processes that were aligned with organizational strategic objectives. Since the Bookstore was a profit center, it was imperative that she compare the profitability of the various product lines with other universities. The Bookstore also had an objective to provide service excellence. Thus, if available, it would be beneficial for Wendy to benchmark customer satisfaction data with other universities. Once processes that were consistent with strategic objectives were identified, it was necessary to collect and analyze internal information vis-à ¡-vis external information from competitors. The benchmarking process did not stop once areas of excellence and inferior performance were identified. Rather, it was imperative for Wendy to identify how to sustain the areas of excellence and improve the areas of inferior performance. In determining how to improve poor performance, she needed to understand the reason behind the poor performance. Once that was attained, it would be possible to determine a long-term plan for improvement. A key role of the Bookstore was to supply the Northlake University communitywhich included but was not limited to faculty, students, alumni and parentswith textbooks, supplies, clothing and gifts, computers and software, and much more. The Bookstore’s formal mission statement was as follows: The Northlake Bookstore is an academic resource for the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the University. The Bookstore serves the University with a business presence dedicated to providing service excellence that meets or exceeds the needs of each customer and University department. The Bookstore played a significant role in enabling parents of freshmen to participate in getting their children ready for the first day of class. Additional temporary staff was hired to ensure there was adequate assistance available for new students and returning students who were purchasing their textbooks. These staff members were readily available and happy to answer any question that new parents or students might have regarding textbooks or the University in general. Also, congruent with the University laptop requirement for all students, the Bookstore sold computers and software. This was a great way for parents to enjoy onestop back-to-school shopping. Additionally, the Bookstore tried to promote the University as a brand name by selling clothing and accessories with the University logo and/or name. Availability of clothing and accessories was also a service provided to students, parents, and alumni who wanted to show their support for the school. Sales of merchandise with the University logo indirectly promoted the University, but the Bookstore did not try to formally create alumni support nor was that a formal goal. This was the function of the University Alumni Advancement (funding) office. As indicated by the mission statement, by the role taken to familiarize new parents and students, and by the sale of merchandise with the University logo, the Bookstore operated in a manner aimed at achieving high customer satisfaction. To measure customer satisfaction the Bookstore conducted an annual customer satisfaction survey and a separate faculty satisfaction survey. Customer suggestion forms were also readily available on the Bookstore website. In her years as the Bookstore manager, Wendy had developed various financial performance measures to help assess the performance of the Bookstore. Over the last few years, she had used these measures as part of her benchmarking analysis. She felt fortunate to have a fairly comprehensive benchmarking database available to her. It was provided annually to all bookstore members free of charge by the National Association of College Stores (NACS). The only requirement was that each bookstore had to contribute its own data to the benchmarking database in order to use it. The NACS database included income statement, product line, and other types of benchmarks. With the looming threat from online textbook vendors, Wendy had started to benchmark Northlake’s textbook prices against the major online textbook vendors. She also tracked mail orders and Web orders from Northlake’s own website (started in 2000). Her task now was how best to use this benchmark information. She believed that her first step was to compare her current financial and operating results with the benchmark data to pinpoint areas in need of improvement. This analysis would likely uncover some areas that needed her attention, which would be useful in identifying areas in need of improvement.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Experiment to investigate what affects the size of a crater Essay Example for Free
Experiment to investigate what affects the size of a crater Essay Hypothesis: If the height of which the pendulum ball is dropped increases, then the depth of the crater will increase. There is a theory for this. A higher drop would mean that there is a greater gravitational potential energy. When the ball is dropped, all this energy is converted into kinetic energy and it is used up to create a crater in the ground. Variables: 1. Independent: Height at which the pendulum ball is dropped from A one meter ruler is used to measure the height at which the pendulum ball is dropped from the surface of the sand. Each height is recorded down and tabulated together with the results. 1. Dependent: Depth of the crater A vernier caliper is used to measure the depth of the crater. Push out the bottom until it touches the center of the bottom of the crater. Adjust it until the edges of the caliper touches the surface of the sand. Read the measurement and record it down. Results are tabulated. 1. Controlled: Height of the sand, Volume of the sand, diameter of the pendulum ball Height of sand is measured with the same ruler used in the experiment and marked out with a marker. The volume of same is measured by pouring it into a beaker and then weighed on an electronic weighing balance for further accuracy. The diameter of the pendulum ball was measured before the start of the experiment and noted down. Apparatus: 1. Pendulum Ball x 1 2. 1m Ruler x 1 3. Plastic box x 1 4. Sand 5. 500ml Beaker x 1 6. Vernier Caliper x 1 7. Retort stand 8. Whiteboard Marker 9. Tissue Method: 1. Lay out newspaper on the bench/work area 2. Measure out 250cm3 of sand using the beaker 3. Pour the sand into the plastic container 4. Smoothen the sand with a tissue so that it is leveled 5. Measure the height of the sand and mark it out with the marker on the container 6. Set up the rest of the experiment as drawn on the previous page. 7. Hold the pendulum ball at a height of 10cm with the bottom of it on the 10cm mark 8. Drop the pendulum ball onto the sand 9. Remove the pendulum ball carefully so as not to destroy the crater made in the sand 10. Using a vernier caliper, measure the depth of the crater 11. Record the reading down 12. Repeat steps 4-10 for heights of 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm and 100cm 13. Repeat the whole experiment once Results: Height/cm Depth/cm 1st 2nd Average Evaluation Reliability of method: From the table of results, it can be observed that some results in the first set of data differ greatly from the second set. This shows that the current method is not extremely reliable and changes can be made to improve the experiment. An improvement to the method would be to always measure the volume of the sand used and smooth it down to the marked level on the side of the container. Sand that is not compacted may have a different result from compacted sand. This is because between the particles of non-compacted sand, there will be spaces of air. As the pendulum ball hits the surface of the sand, the kinetic energy will disperse into these spaces. Therefore, a smaller crater would be formed because the pendulum ball has less energy. Validity of method: The method is valid because it measures what is required to be measured in the experiment. The method described above was also followed step-by-step. The volume of the sand and height of the sand is unchanged. The pendulum ball remained unchanged throughout the course of the experiment as well. The vernier caliper measures the depth of the crater in centimeters and it is what the experiment is conducted for. Reliability of results: There are a total of 20 sets of data. The number of data collected makes the results reliable. Also, the average of the data from both sets of experiments were able to form a straight line graph with an outlier for 100. 0cm at 1. 77cm. Therefore, the results of this experiment is somewhat reliable. Analysis The graph is a straight line with increasing gradient. It shows that with an increase in height, the average depth of the crater also increases. The line graph does not pass through the origin (0,0) because the graph paper is too small to accommodate 10 sets of results (average of both sets of data). Conclusion The results of the experiment support the hypothesis. When the height at which the pendulum ball increases, the depth of the crater also increases. This is proven by the fact that the greater the distance between the ball and the ground, the greater the gravitational potential energy that the ball possesses. More gravitational potential energy is converted to more kinetic energy when the ball is dropped. As such, there is more energy to cause a greater damage to the ground, or in this case, sand, therefore resulting in an increase of depth of the crater. Limitations and Improvements Limitations Improvements Pendulum ball does not drop straight down directly from where it is released but deviates from its desired path Drop the pendulum ball using a retort stand instead of by hand Removing the pendulum ball by hand Thread a string through the hole in the pendulum ball and lift it out of the sand using that.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Swot Analysis Of The Garden Company Limited
Swot Analysis Of The Garden Company Limited Garden supplies thousands of food products to todays retail and catering markets, with many of their products internationally awarded. As one of the largest bakery production corporations in Hong Kong, they are well equipped with state-of-the-art large-scale equipment. Their technology, quality, output and market development have long reached International Standards. Gardens wide assortments of products, high sales volume and extensive market penetration have long been broadly recognized. To further cope with rising market demand, they continue to inject large sums of investment into product research and development as well as upgrading their technology and production hardware. The various production procedures are completed with the most sophisticated equipment in their factory. Computer automation is integrated in all the processes from production to packaging, fully manifesting the remarkable results brought about by scientific management. Furthermore, their principal factory in Sham Tseng with a total area of 70,000 square meters carries out the production lines for bread, cakes, biscuits, candies etc. Unlike most firms in Hong Kong, Garden was a pro-China company and had been supplying bread to Chinese army during World War II. The firm closed its operations during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong from 1941 to 1945. The company expanded with the growth of Hong Kong before and after World War II and benefited from the influx of immigrants from Mainland China. In the 1980s and 1990s, Garden products were shipped overseas to Chinese communities around the world. Besides their major business in Hong Kong, Garden has also been actively taping into the Mainland China market since the 1980s. Factories had been set up in Dong Guan and Yang Zhou to introduce the advanced technology into the food manufacturing industry of the Mainland. Achieving the ISO9001 certification in 1997 was a milestone in their history. It demonstrates that Garden, with its world-class corporate management and modern operation system, is a globally acclaimed food manufacturer. Today, the company remains a privately owned family (Cheung family) business with several joint ventures with mainland Chinese firms. It is one of the few Hong Kong firms with manufacturing operations still in Hong Kong. All Garden products are made of the finest ingredients selected from all around the world, for example their barley is from Australia, flour from the United States, milk and butter from New Zealand, just to name a few. Their long-standing experience, fully-automated technology and packing equipment together with careful quality control guarantee that every product of theirs can meet strict quality testing and safety standards in many countries. With the past 80 years of excellence, Garden has successfully established itself as a distinguished brand supported and favored by many consumers around the world. Their products currently reach many major Chinese communities in as far as Europe and America. Today they are actively developing overseas markets in order to offer their quality foods to consumers in different corners of the world. With more than eight decades of experience in food production, the Garden Companys determination in offering quality products and services and its innovative spirit are as strong as ever. Looking ahead, they will continue with their commitment to producing nutritious and quality food with the pursuit of perfection. QIE, which stands for Quality, innovation, Efficiency, serves as Gardens corporate mission with the objectives to lead their staff to pursuit of superb quality, continuous innovation and achieve efficiency enhancement. It is through the implementation of QIE that the recognition and reputation of their brand have been greatly elevated. To realize their goal of QIE, the Company puts LTC Learn, Think, and Communicate into practice with all their working together to continuously improve the manufacturing of quality products, developing new technologies and new product values so as to satisfy the ever-heightening needs of consumers. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis Strengths: Garden has a global brand, it is a strong brand, strengths including brand recognition, brand quality, economies of scale, strong distribution network, strong distribution chain, supply chain, strong international operations, online growth, good reputation, reputation management, market share leadership, effective marketing strategy, experienced personnel, strong management team, effective communication, extensive customer base, loyal customers, cost advantage, asset leverage, competitive pricing, original and unique products, high research and development, advanced equipments, innovation, etc. Apart from all these company strengths, they are famous in Hong Kong. I believe that all households in Hong Kong consume their products, one or the other on a regular basis. They are considered second to none in the bakery industry. Weaknesses: Due to Gardens huge range of products, coupled with a substantial global retail network, bad communication is unavoidable, it happens from time to time. Furthermore, they experience diseconomies to scale, at times over leveraged financial position, and weak corporate governing practice. Since Gardens range of products is for the public in general, many of their competitors go to the upper end market, for example to high class customers such as hotels and delis, and leave Garden in the lower end market for many years. Opportunities: Garden basically has a healthy financial position. They did some acquisitions, merger and takeovers on a small scale basis. They also tie up with international events to capitalize on synergy opportunities for growth of the operation. They continuously look for new markets; expand in Asia, expand into online shopping; decrease its taxation through donations to charity organizations. In the era of emergence of international middle class, and change in consumer lifestyles, they are constantly changing their products to expand their customer base, and their service lines like new products such as drinks and snacks, and new service such as mail order. Threats: Although Garden has a lion share in the bakery industry, they have many competitors in the high end sector. With Hong Kong returning its sovereignty to Mainland China, Garden is facing many financially strong competitors from the Mainland. There are new competitors from the Mainland entering into this relatively small market. As far as their foreign business is concerned, foreign exchange rate changes affect its imports/exports strategies. The volatility in fuel costs, rising costs of business, pricing pressures, potentially slowing global economy, changes in demographics, change in consumer lifestyles, changing to cheaper technology, substitute products, changing consumer patterns, growing power of customers to set the price etc. are possible threats Garden has been facing during the past few years. Porters Five Forces analysis Competitive Rivalry within an industry: Since multi-market competition exists, rivalry between competitors in the industry is extremely intense. Companies in the industry have started new businesses to increase the level of competition with one another and compete heavily for geographic markets. There is no clear dominant market share player in the industry. Though the industry currently has relatively high growth, much of the business is cyclical, which leads to intensified competition in economic downturns. High fixed costs also contribute to intense competition. More recently, the continued growth of online shopping, mail orders, combined with increasing awareness of door to door logistics arrangements have been giving Garden headaches and they have been streamlining their services in this competitive environment. A few remarks are listed below to introduce some of Gardens international and local rivalries. Sara Lee Corporation Sara Lee Corporation is a global consumer products company with food, beverage, and household and body care lines of business. With powerful brands, such as Ambi Pur, Ball Park, Douwe Egberts, Hillshire Farm, Jimmy Dean, Kiwi, Sanex, Senseo and its namesake, Sara Lee, the company has leading positions in numerous categories in the more than 180 markets in which it competes. In Hong Kong, Garden has two main competitors in its frozen and fresh breads. For frozen breads, it major rivalries are Maxims, Sara Lee. For fresh breads, Garden is facing numerous small size competitors, in particular in the western style restaurants which bake on an everyday basis for its afternoon tea customers. Competitive Rivalry is a strong force in the bakery industry because the competitors use price cuts to compete, there is a low cost product range and there is ease in switching brands, and the companies in this industry can diversify and acquire other companies for strategic growth and for synergy purposes. Threat of New Entrants: The threat of new entrants into this industry is relatively low because of the scale required to make companies in the industry competitive. Capital demands to fund all of the assets required in the industry are extraordinarily large, making competition from entrepreneurs or small companies very difficult at this level of market competitiveness. Economies of scale are necessary for the business to be profitable and because of the intensity of rivalry, customers are difficult to attract. While the basic service of shipping goods would be relatively easy for new entrants to imitate, the competitors in the industry have created value and high switching costs for their customers through proprietary technologies. Threat of New Entrants is a weak force in this industry. Each company currently in the industry has strong brand images, leaving a harder job for new companies. The capital expenditures to start a bakery company are large, and the companies currently are achieving economies of scale by going global. Any smaller company will not be able to achieve these right away, not allowing them to compete on prices. Another factor threatening potential entrants is trade tariffs and international regulations. Most companies currently in the industry have already established relations with foreign countries. New companies will have to prove themselves to foreign companies, suppliers, and customers. Threat of Substitute Products: The threat of substitutes is currently high for the industry, but major technological or governmental foods regulations could change that. As mentioned above, although Garden has a lion share in the bakery industry, they have many competitors in the high end sector, for example Maxims, Saint Honore, Tai Pan Bakery etc. Garden is also facing many financially strong competitors from the Mainland. The latter produce substitute products such as dumplings, dim sums to suit the changing consumers taste. This is one of the many reasons why Garden has been continuously modifying the ingredients and packaging of their products during the past few years. Threat of Substitute Products is a strong force in this industry. There are plenty of substitute products in the market. Bakery retail outlets such as Maxims, Saint Honore, Tai Pan Bakery etc are conveniently located in all the 18 zones. One can literally find either one of them in almost every main street in Hong Kong. These competitors also offer very competitive prices which make potential consumers lose their brand loyalty and easy to switch to another brand. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Suppliers bargaining power is fairly low in the industry, but different suppliers have slightly different pricing strategies to fight for their survival. Competitors are also on the same footing with suppliers, as they are all subject to the same prices, although they may have hedged differently. Labour is a major factor of production in the industry and differences between companies regarding labour contracts subjects them to varying degrees of supplier power. Suppliers of raw materials, components, labor, and services (such as expertise) to the firm can be a source of power over the firm, when there are few substitutes. Suppliers may refuse to work with the firm, or, e.g., charge excessively high prices for unique resources. This is a strong force if the suppliers serve different industries with their raw materials. If a supplier only has accounts or the majority of their accounts with different companies, they will not be able to control prices and supplies. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Customers in the industry initially have power, but once they commit to a bakery, their bargaining power decreases significantly. New customers can easily shop around for price or level of service in the beginning, but once they have chosen a bakery and buy their product, they are usually loyal to them. Customers are likely to become loyal to a certain provider because of long-standing relationships or personal interaction with the company. This is a moderate force in this industry because competition keeps prices similar among the companies. The only difference is degree in loyalty. Also, the buyers of the services in this industry are reactionary. They do not know the technology before it happens. They become dependent on the technology, service and speed offered by the companies in this industry and will pay for it. SCOR (Supply-Chain Operations Reference) Model Planning activities: Gardens target customers are the public in general, whether they be as young as 2 years old, to as old as 99, they could be Gardens customers. Their pricing strategy is value for money. Their marketing slogan has been nutrition you need every day with the highest quality. These planning activities have proved to be most successful and made Garden the leading supplier in the bakery industry, in particular in the breads, biscuits and cakes sectors. Sourcing activities: According to the reading materials I searched and found, Garden has been purchasing all the baking ingredients directly themselves. However, they do outsource through logistic companies in their delivery activities. Locally, they need to deliver their fresh breads every early morning to hundreds of retail outlets. They also need to deliver fresh buns to all McDonalds franchisees. Furthermore they also deliver a range of fancy breads to airline caterers, hotels and restaurants. Internationally, they outsource transportation companies as well as freight forwarders for special orders such as wedding and birthday cakes. Internally, they outsource information technologies, finance and accounting, sales and marketing, foods testing etc. just to name a few. Make or production activities: Gardens upstream suppliers are worldwide. These included but not limited to flour, sugar, milk, cocoa, vanilla, wheat, soda powder, etc. again just to name a few. Countries included but not limited to (in alphabetical order) Australia, Canada, China, Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Bread Production Gardens bread production lines operate on a 24-hour basis, of which one is the first fully-automated line for hamburger buns in Asia. Apart from the retail market, they provide a huge volume of wholesale goods, which include bread, pastry and frozen dough products to major fast food chains, restaurants, hotels and airline catering services in Hong Kong. With their far-ranging businesses, they are committed to providing consumers with better choices with continuous innovations. Biscuit production Garden possesses diverse expertise, equipment and automated production lines to produce a wide variety of biscuits including wafers, cookies, sandwich biscuits, saltine, crackers and assorted biscuit gift packs to meet market demands. Cake production Their wide range of cakes has long been famous for its high quality and great taste. To cope with market demand, Garden produces cake products with highly efficient production lines, of which one is fully computerized for producing mini-cakes. With a wholehearted contribution from over 1,200 employees, Garden has established itself as the most reputable manufacturer in the local industry. Order processing information systems All market interactions, from the understanding of aggregate demand to the fulfillment of each order are not done wholly by Garden internally themselves. Some logistics are being outsourced, in particular for the overseas markets in Northern and Latin America, Australia, Europe, and Canada. Garden normally receives their orders through phone, fax and e-mail or e-order. Its IT department uploads orders to the printing invoice system. Automatically, these invoices pass to its distribution department for delivery. After deliveries, these invoices will be, again automatically, sent to its accounting department. The latter department then issues credit notes to the appropriate customers. Currently they are still using the information systems designed by IBM. Quality Control foremen in Garden are made responsible to ensure that expiry date, and appearances are properly done, and presentable. All delivery vans must have the correct temperatures for the different kinds of products. Delivery activities: Different transportation teams are required for different products. Fresh breads, frozen breads, biscuits are being delivered by the China and Hong Kong transport teams. Fresh bread team has about 60 vehicles to deliver 4,000 orders per day. These trucks are recognizable easily on the streets. Frozen breads and biscuits teams have about 20 vehicles to deliver 400 orders per day. Three trailers are being outsourced for the Mainland China and Hong Kong markets. As mentioned above, Garden does outsource through logistic companies in their delivery activities. Locally, they need to deliver their fresh breads every early morning to hundreds of retail outlets. They also need to deliver fresh buns to all McDonalds franchisees; deliver a range of fancy breads to airline caterers, hotels and restaurants. Internationally, they outsource transportation companies as well as freight forwarders for special orders such as wedding and birthday cakes. Not only that Garden wants to manufacture the best products, they also want to provide their best delivery service. Return activities: Garden guarantees its products are fresh and proper. They promise their retailers that they will replace any damaged or rotten items, that is if that happens. Garden has agreed with their retailers that they will pick up any expired items on their shelves. Assess how well the organization implements the supply chain management As mentioned right at the beginning of this report, Gardens major upstream suppliers are from the US, Canada, and Australia whereas their three biggest downstream suppliers in Hong Kong are supermarkets Wellcome, ParknShop and Mcdonalds. As far as this report is concerned, I would focus in the downstream supply chains; and before I go into how well Garden implements the supply chain management, I would like to introduce Gardens major downstream supply chains Wellcome, ParknShop and Mcdonalds. Wellcome Wellcome is Hong Kongs longest-established supermarket chain, they have an overall staff of 5,000 in more than 240 stores and serves more than 14 million customers every month. ParknShop ParknShop is one of the two largest supermarket chains in Hong Kong (the other is Wellcome Supermarket). ParknShop operates more than 260 outlets in Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China. ParknShop has more than 200 stores and 9,000 employees in Hong Kong. Mcdonalds McDonalds Corporation is one of the worlds largest chains of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers daily. Most of their breads in Hong Kong are supplied by Garden. Although Garden does supply their products to airlines catering companies, hotels and restaurants, as well as supply chains such as 7 Eleven, Circle K and etc., I am not going to introduce these supply chains on a one on one basis. Basically these supply chains are owned by substantial and listed companies with well-trained management teams. Top management, as well as middle management personnel at Garden have very good business relationships with their supply chains. They have properly done legal contracts specifying all the details in supplies and payments. I have not been able to find any past news regarding any communication breakdowns between Garden and its supply chains. I have neither been able to find any past law suits about Garden suing any of its supply chains for non-payments, nor any company suing Garden for not delivering its responsibilities although there have been rumors that Garden has been finding it more and more difficult to get their payments on time during the past few years. Based on these findings, I believe Garden has been successful in its supply chains management activities. Suggest solutions/ways to improve the organization business; especially by improvements on supply chain management of the organization Supply Chain Management (SCM) is not created to suit for every company. It can succeed only with top management commitment and managers loyalty in executing those management strategies. Gardens management teams need to spend time in evaluating whether new SCM, inclusive of international networks, is suitable to be implemented into their company and how it could be successful. Garden bread has long history in Hong Kong that the fundamental target market should be the mass public served as the stable diet. With the increasing awareness of healthy eating, the variety of healthy consciousness products have been promoted like multi-grained, whole wheat, high calcium low fat breads. It is the general social trend and also serves as one of the marketing strategies that focus on the targeted middle-class, office-ladies and health consciousness customers. The relative advantage of Garden obviously is its long history and well-developed manufacturing factories, well-connected distribution channels, competitive retailing price and, of course, the well-known and long established brand name. On the other hand, these relative advantages might contribute some shortcomings in terms of the flexibility of market positioning and variety of products in response to the ever-changing and ever-increasing market force. Personally I am disappointed with Gardens decade-long use of coconut oil as an ingredient for their biscuits production. According to certain food magazines, too much consumption in coconut oil is bad for our health. Although all the reading material I found have been saying good things about Garden, nevertheless Garden is not a listed company, it is a privately owned company. They do not have to disclose any of their operation details to the public. Particularly, they do not have to disclose their financial position apart from to the Inland Revenue. My perception of Garden is that it is a very old style traditional company. Its top management includes family members of the founder. It is purely family business. Its image is not catching up with the young generation. Their product range is also conservative. It does not give any modern flare to attract those expats from the west. They focus on Asians so far, that means there is a huge expats market for them to develop. Garden reminds me of the Green, Yellow and White Arrow brands chewing gum company. The latter company has been too conservative and has not been innovative to catch up with the new entrants. Hence, Green White Arrow chewing gums have been losing market share. Until today, they have not been able to gain back what has been lost. The image of Garden should shift to focus more clearly on each market segment. For instance, Garden should develop a Gourmet production line which emphasis on the finest ingredients, the innovative design, for example in its packaging, and its advertisements. They could consider making more choice of breads, land cakes similar to those recipes from Italy and France, or from Europe at large. In order to shave off the old stable diet image, instead, the building up of the delicate and professional crafted food and to state that not only the five stars hotels can produce but Garden can also make and even better. The efforts to make sure managers do well in the SCM program and not treat it as another flavor-of-the-month include but not limited to the followings. Firstly, Garden has to ensure that the companys SCM strategies are specifically designed. Secondly, the SCM program need to meet their customers demands and reduces the companys costs. Thirdly, the management team must buy-in the program. Also, all the benefits included from the program such as customer responsiveness, more consistent on-time delivery; shorter order fulfillment lead times; reduced inventory costs; lower cost of purchased items; higher product quality; faster product innovation and etc. must be clearly explained to all the concerned managers so that they know the importance of the program. Garden must ensure that the staff concerned understand the objectives of the program, for example to better utilize the company resources and yet with higher product quality. Finally, if managers do well in implementing and executin g the program, the company should consider giving them incentive such as bonus or additional rewards other than their normal compensation. This will give them more motivation to continue to run the program. Garden has to do detailed surveys and researches to find out what are the products that their customers demand. They should listen to the voice of their customers. Their views and suggestions could in turn help the company to produce specifically the range of products the customers need. The company could also utilize their findings for meetings and discussions with their suppliers, both upstream and downstream and production managers to reduce the order processing time and inventories. The company would also be able to produce higher quality products with lower prices and less order processing time. In this way, the company would be more responsive to both their customers and suppliers. By doing the above, the company would be able to expand its market share from other competitors. Further possible improvements can be capitalized in the advances in technological and informational environment. These improvements have major implications for all industries, particularly logistics. If used effectively such advances may be a key source of competitive advantage. The technology listed below may become a competitive edge advantage for Garden in the future. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) not ready to implement? Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (typically referred to as an RFID tag) applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. It works like a barcode, but instead of having to be passed in front of a scanner for recognition, tiny transponders (known as tags or chips) send out radio signals. Each tag is small, robust and unique so any one item can be tracked individually throughout the supply chain. Logistics and transportation are major areas of implementation for RFID technology. For example, yard management, shipping and freight and distribution centers are some areas where RFID tracking technology is used. Transportation companies around the world value RFID technology due to its impact on the business value and efficiency. The new technology is currently seen as too expensive to put on individuals products, but large companies already use it to track shipping items. RFID trials have met with mixed customer reactions. As with many such technical advances the effects can be both positive and negative. RFID technology is currently unsophisticated and largely applied to logistical operations. Training of staff and informing all internal stakeholders as to how RFID technology works and can benefit the company, stating the impact on customers so that companies are able to improve their operations. Global Positioning System (GPS) The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the Earth which has an unobstructed view of four or more GPS satellites. GPS has become a mainstay of transportation systems worldwide, providing navigation for aviation, ground, and maritime operations. Installing GPS systems for delivery vehicles can increase the efficiency and effectiveness in delivering products. Even though transportation companies offer tracking and insurance services to their customers, there are still chances that the customers packages might be lost or stolen. Imagine a GPS chip attached to the delivery packages; it can then be tracked anytime. Adding this technology can boost the customers confidence about Garden. Conclusion Gardens supply chains are owned by substantial and listed companies with well-trained management teams. Garden has very good business relationships with their supply chains. Garden has been successful in its SCM activities. For further improvements, Garden should keep themselves abreast of the current important trends being developed in the business arena, for example electronic commerce has been widely used. Experienced users reveal that e-business reduces costs and time. It creates less conflict between suppliers and consumers. Garden must realize that very few industries are protected geographically; competition is getting more and more fierce. Gardens determination to change as the contents mentioned-above is critical for its advancement. With Gardens top management teams commitment, together with managers efforts, I believe that Gardens staff is more willingly to change and Garden has a good chance of success in improving its current SCM program. During the process of finding reading material for this exercise and thereafter digesting the material, I became more familiar with what supply chain management is. I will be interested in searching material for other type of companies when time permits.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Coping With Stress In An Organization :: essays research papers
Coping With Stress In An Organization Table of Contents                          I. Introduction                          II. Defining Stress                          III. Types of Stress                          IV. How to Handle Stress                          V. Recognizing Stress                          VI. The Military and Stress                          VII. Summary I. INTRODUCTION      Since the beginning of mankind there has always been some kind of stress affecting how people feel, act and cope with situations. In this paper we will look at the definition of stress and what causes people to have stress. Then we will see how different people handle stress and show how not all individuals have the same tolerance for stress. The next thing that will be discussed is how managers in organizations can recognize and reduce the negative effects that stress has on the worker and the organization. Finally we will consider what kind of stresses there are in military organizations and how they can be controlled. II. DEFINING STRESS      Robert C. Dailey, in his book Understanding People In Organizations, defines stress as â€Å"any demand made on the body that requires psychological or physical adjustment.†Many people think of stress as always being something bad. However, stress sometimes can be good. Stress is part of our every day life. It can have a motivating effect or a demotivating effect. Each of us have our own level of how much stimulation or stress we need in our lives to keep us from getting bored.1 Others however, have a much lower tolerance for stress stimuli. So managers must be able to look at each individual and decide if the individual has a high or low tolerance for stress. Managers can do this only if they have a good understanding of what causes stress. III. TYPES OF STRESS      Stress can come from a multitude of different reasons, but for simplicity lets break it down into two forms: individual induced stress and physical environment stress. Individual stress includes things such as role conflict, role ambiguity, work overload, and responsibility for others. Role conflict occurs when accomplishing one job inhibits or greatly reduces the chance at completing another assigned task. In this case the person who is tasked to do the jobs will incur some type of stress while trying to figure out how to get both tasks accomplished in the given amount of time. How much stress and if it will impact the individual positively or negatively will depend on the experience level of the individual. Role ambiguity is when an individual is not sure of what their job entails. It makes it hard for a person to decide on what their priorities are and how to manage their time. Ambiguity can come from a
Importance of the Night in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Importance of the Night in Romeo and Juliet Night can be seen in two contrasting ways. The first can be summarized as a time for celebration and love. The second, and most commonly associated with night, is a time of darkness and horror. Two shining examples of the different emotions and reactions brought on by darkness are the books Night by Elie Wiesel and Romeo and Juliet by well-known author, William Shakespeare. In Romeo and Juliet night has a positive image, a welcomed time for love, protection and exchanging of covenants, while in Night the image is portrayed in a negative way, a time for fear, suffering, and death. Night in the great romances is a greeted time of romance and in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet a time to hide from the harsh reality of the outside world. Juliet greatly yearns for the coming of night. "And bring in cloudy night immediately. Spread thy close curtain..." (Shakespeare Act III Scene ii:4-5) Juliet is very eager for night to come as she uses the word "immediately," which is very strong and demanding. Her true love, Romeo, is also associated with night. "Come, night, come Romeo, come thou day in night." (Shakespeare Act III Scene ii:17) Shakespeare uses night also as a time for exchanging of vows. "Lady, by yonder, blessed moon I vow, That tips with silver all these fruit tree tops -- -". (Shakespeare Act II Scene ii:106-107) After Romeo's vow Juliet later promises during the welcomed night to be loyal to him throughout his life. Under the cloak of darkness she is unafraid to pledge, "And all my fortunes at thy foot I'll lay, And follow thee my lord throughout the world." (Shakespeare Act II Scene ii:146-147) Night has a third important role of protecting Romeo at first when he trespasses to the Capulet Mansion and later when Romeo, then banished, meets Juliet for the final time. "I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes..." (Shakespeare Act II Scene ii:74) Night, although it can be a time of love and happiness, can also be the complete opposite --- fear, suffering, and death. Elie Wiesel uses stunning, vivid descriptions to show the readers the negative side of night,
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Primary Education in Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Greece, and the United States :: Essays Papers
Primary Education in Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Greece, and the United States Throughout this program I have been confronted with many images and facts about primary education that I will not soon forget. The sounds of young Turkish children reciting "I am a Turk, I am strong"; the image of six year olds in Morocco learning to memorize the Qur'an before they can read or write; the idea of community schools in Egypt where students and parents learn together to benefit and bring prosperity to the community as a whole; and, finally, the idea that art is so important to Greek culture that it is one of the five major goals of primary education. These are all interesting things, they are all things I never would have expected to learn through this program, and they have made this topic and project more meaningful for me. I chose the topic of primary education not only because I am studying to be a teacher, but also because there are a lot of controversies and new ideas that are coming into American education currently, particularly the acts and ideas of No Child Lef t Behind, and I was curious to research how other countries were dealing with the same issues that we see in the educational system of the United States. I started my learning plan with the goals of seeing how primary education was structured in each of the countries we were visiting (Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, and Greece) both theoretically as well as how effective the actual practice of education was, to see what the situation regarding the primary education of girls was in each of the countries and what differences existed in the education of the two genders, to find out the unique solutions each country had found for their own educational system that addressed their country's own specific challenges, to see the role that nationalism and religion played in the primary education of students in each of the countries, and finally to come to the grand finale of the purpose of primary education in each of the countries, to use that information to help me better understand primary educati on, and to compare these findings to the purpose of primary education in the United States. In my project today I plan to lay out seven aspects of primary education, explain how each of these aspects is carried out in the four countries we visited, and then to speak about how each aspect influences the cultures of Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, and Greece.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Importance of good leadership command and management in military environment Essay
Importance of good leadership, command and management in military environment Introduction            There is wide recognition of leadership, command and management through the vast amounts of the available literatures. What is good leadership, command and management? How can good leadership skills be acquired? The study of leadership, command and management is a lifelong endeavour that is composed of good values such as loyalty, ability to act as well as the ability to pass clear messages to the subordinates in a particular group (Boulder, 2009, p.67). However, little has been developed pertaining to the three although scholars recognize that they are closely related especially in the military context. In a broad spectrum, different scholars have defined leadership in different ways. Over a long period, it has been impossible to determine whether leadership is an aspect or a consequence of status. However, according to Horn and Walker(2008), leadership is the ability of one human being to stir sentiments in an organizational perspective and influence the behaviours of others especially the lesser. In view of this, it has been concluded that leadership is an inherent source of power; the power to direct a group of people towards the achievement of a leader’s goals by transmitting those goals into aims of everyone. In general, leadership is an elusive quality that is expressed in different environments. Secondly, according to Beerel (2009), command refers to an order given by a commander and engulfs the will of the commander expressed for the purpose of bringing about a particular change or achieving a specific objective. Use of command is mostly emphasized in the military environments. Inherently, command is different at each level of military operations and the task changes in different dimensions in relation to the will and the skills of those in commands. Finally, the third feature is good management. According to Boulder (2009), management refers to the organization, coordination, planning, controlling of organizational or a group’s activities in order to achieve the best and attain the set goals. The three aspects are critical and very important in the military operations and their applications have significant benefits in the operations at large. This research paper aims at uncovering the importance’s of leadership, command and management in military environments.            In the literature of military, the three aspects of good organizational structure have vast amounts of definitions. In a broad spectrum, over a long period scholars have recognized the significance of good leadership and cohesion in military environments especially when it comes to ensuring military success in variety of domains. All the same, it is evident that military activities can only be achieved effectively if only all members can carry out their activities responsibly in a collective approach (Beerel, 2009, p.119). This essentially means that everybody in any military operation irrespective of the occupation, operational rank or status has a role to play and should operate in accordance to the military guiding principles. Most importantly, military leadership, command and management play a vital role in ensuring the mentioned success.            Military leadership is the process of critically influencing other individuals in a military operation to accomplish a set mission by offering a structured purpose, target objective, direction, and purposeful motivation. On the other hand, command is a term that is closely linked to leadership in a military environment and it refers to the authority a person in military service legally exercises over other individuals or subordinates by the high merit of his or her rank and position (Horn &Walker, 2008, p.48). This means that the most successful military organization is the one that practices god leadership and promotes cohesiveness that bonds the personnel together an integrated sense of rationale and belongingness. Although good leadership is not an easy task to define, recent research and scholars have developed a substantial basis that creates a relationship between a military operation performance and good leadership, command and mana gement. Inherently, good leadership has not only proved to have a positive impact on the performance but has also shown an improved group functioning by buffering effects that arise from poor leadership strategies. As illustrated and discussed by different researchers, Leadership in a military environment is characterized a Leadership strategy that is not managerial in the military perspective as well as a style that focuses on personal emphatic and direct contact with soldiers. Nevertheless, a military leadership should be charismatic in nature rather than glib (Horn &Walker, 2008, p. 109). In most cases, leadership in the military is viewed as protective of certain members of a group. Most of the good leaders in this case are guided by the capability of not focusing on success but focus on building and neutralizing on the failures earlier realized (Beerel, 2009, p. 88). In wider terms, leadership comes in many shapes and approaches and each has both positive and negative. As a res ult, effective leaders acknowledge the significance of applying the best strategies at all costs. In its simplest forms, leadership is all about influencing individuals to act and achieve some objectives that are critical and important to the leader, the entire group or even an organization (Horn &Walker, 2008, p. 176). In basic terms, leadership is a human element that leads, motivates and inspires particularly during times of chaos, misunderstandings, crisis and complexity and provides a solution when directives have less or no or have little effect on cold, exhausted and stressed subordinates. In many cases, research has established that good leadership mostly in the military environment encourages subordinates to go beyond their obligations and committing themselves into the mission in a way that maximizes their potential (Beerel, 2009, p. 37). Most importantly, in the military good leadership serves as a very individualistic yet a very powerful component that allows commanders and leaders at all levels to shape and alter the environment in which subordinates and thereby, influencing the individuals characters, behaviour and even the actions of others. As such, good leadership is a key factor in motivating individuals to fight more.            The most important thing about good leadership is that it provides the basis for the constructive role modelling hence providing an extremely influence on individual reactions on threatening events. As pertains the American involvement in the World War II, scholars have realized that leadership from in front especially in war is very imperative. In addition, researchers have repeatedly proven that the availability of solicitous leadership creates a force that helps resist fear in military environments and hence provide a strong constituent of combat motivation            In any military mission the main and the basic task of a leader is to ensure the success and the accomplishment of the operation as well as ensuring the welfare of the subordinate colleagues. Furthermore, to ensure the quoted success, the command in military environments is offered through an organized structure; that is the chain of command. In general, a chain of command is the sequence of commanders in an operation who have a series of duties and responsibilities to ensure the accomplishment of the mission as well as caring for the personnel and the possessions they are under charge. Particularly in the military, it is very important that soldiers including those in leadership understand that most of the time, they rely more on those who are on their left or right for working support. Nevertheless, good leadership helps leaders gain honour from their subordinates. The key characteristics of good leadership in the military being honour, morality and integrity of which the three derive directly from the unique and pronounced intensity of the military environment in which the leadership is expressed. In terms of leadership, military organizations are different from other leadership organs in terms of their basic nature and reasons for being (Horn &Walker, 2008). Consequently, the power of the military official to exercise and influence the performance of the other soldiers are as a result of good leadership. In fact, soldiers always follow a good leader at any conditions of any battle. Nevertheless, good military leadership is built by developing military familiarity, trustworthiness and reliance from followers who in most cases are the soldiers. Military leadership in issues with reference to an operation is important because it prevents the fighters from leaning towards different solutions hence preventing argumentation and confrontations within a group undertaking a vital manoeuvre.            Command in military perspective refers to the way and means by which the commander sees the need and takes most appropriate and possible actions to have the need satisfied. Command encompasses all military operations and functions giving them a meaning and matching to complete unit with functional entities. The duty of commanding is vested on the commander who is authorized by set statutes to give directives as the situation may demand (Chapman, 2009, p.65). In military environment, command cannot be separated from control. Command exists with a view to imparting control on controls in order to ensure coordination and response to emergency in military field. Commands may take a form of quick reaction that makes it possible to execute duties accurately in a moment of crisis. Command requires some level of experience, and judgment that can only be performed only by skilled personnel who are capable of devising tactic and operation strategies . According to scholars, command occurs in three distinct categories that are highly linked to enhance the success of military operation. The basics for all command in the military activities is the power that is vested in the commanders, over their subordinates. The authority is in form of a rank that is bestowed to an individual either by the defiance force or by law through the constitution. In the military perspective, the personal command comes because of an individual’s charisma, experience and diligence in the execution of his duties. The other members of the organization normally crown this power to an individual. Noteworthy, official command provides the power to act but is not sufficient to make resounding impacts (Shamir, 2011, p.109). Most of the powerful commander’s possess extra power from the personal experience or inborn attributes. In the military, this high degree of personal authority, coupled with legal power is what makes charismatic commanders in the forces and the powers are delegated to subordinates. However, the commanders remain accountable since they are obliged to report to senior authority for instance the head of state. Command in the defence force is a complex activity that comprise of diverse but linked activities that are coordinated to achieved common direct and purpose. As a significant factor for success in military operations, command touches the people’s social, cultural and economic. Nevertheless, the authority gained from possession of commanding power controls the inter relations among individuals of varying backgrounds. Military command exists in three categories that are diverse but highly related. These categories are; legal, individual and departmental command (Wittmann, 2012, p.78).            Firstly, legal command is vested in the head of the state by the constitution that has the power over the armed forces. The head of state charges the secretary of the state the general task for security. The state secretary in turn confers the power to the commanders in chief of armed forces. For that reason, the command is vested to the commanders but through higher powers that assigns force to them to accomplish operation. (Shamir, 2011, p.98).The commanders, guided by military principle of service to the nation, organize coordinates and commands the troops carry out an operation. Command is the central feature of a formal military structure and defines the individual control over others in a given area of expertise.            Secondly, individual exercise of command involves the manner in which the commander makes decisions and conveys them to his juniors. The individual command gives commanders the authority, responsibility and duty to act in a manner that safeguards the safety of the state. In this case, the commander makes decision, communicates them and directs the subordinates to take action for accomplishment of a mission hence fostering success. However, the commander remains accountable for the decision they make (Muth, 2011, p.101). In this context, command and accountability requires keen analysis. To enhance efficient and smooth running of the military operations, commanders are liable and obliged to answer to the superior about the power delegated them. On the other side, subordinates in the military environments remain answerable to the commanders. Command in this case may include the acts of controlling, ordering and predicting of which the three enhance the aspect of future success hence promoting success. Organizational command is related to entity design and takes hierarchical structure from the supreme to the subordinate hence this ensures that work is divided to achieve high level of coordination among the work activities involved in the troops. Moreover, it is majorly concerned with division of labor, departmentalization, authority allocation and span control that promote efficacy. It is worth noting that, effective training and education is important to commander in military environment. With the acquired knowledge from the training, planning skills are developed that sharpens situational awareness and is required in the rapid response to combat and establish controls. Inherently, war being a major issue that brings conflict between parties, solution is needed and commonly comes in form of command. In the military, there is no single activity in accomplishing a mission that is as important as command. Command can end conflicts without making attacks, destroying enemy targets and engaging in any war fighting activity (Muth, 2011, p.123). Planning organization and success of battles lies on the degree of command. In absence of command, military unit will possibly degenerate into mobs and subordination of troops will be replaced by violence and misunderstanding. In review, command is the tool that drives all military activities and operations. Military command gives all the operations of martial purpose and direction. When command is well done, it grants the activities success and meaning. Contrary, poorly executed military command calls for disasters from the potential enemies. Command bestows the commanders with an opportunity to best apply their intellectual capability to safeguard the safety of all citizens as well as upholding the troops reputation. Commander makes decision on what they feel is good for the people and then give directives to the subordinates to act immediately promoting respon se within the troops (Wittmann, 2012, p.77). Seemingly, senior commanders make suggestions about division of work at organizational level, delegate the authority and finally institute a span control. Eventually, these decisions become elaborate and clearly depict the organization structure. Command facilitates in building the military culture that outlines how operations are carried out. Establishing culture enables commanders to identify the weak point that need check for the improvement to be achieved.            According to Ploch, (2009), command includes task such as collecting and analyzing data, planning, organizing resources and making decision that aims at monitoring and supervising military activities and operations. Command results to a procedure of executing an activity although it’s self not a procedure. In military context, command imparts control on all the activities and operations carried out that range from simple data collection to complex analysis to facilitate communication of instructions and information obtained. Commands in military environment helps at providing an insight into the requirements of an insecurity challenge faced by a nation. In addition, the command will assist at developing the intelligence about enemy and their habitat. As argued by the Chapman (2009), best way to defeat an enemy is by understanding his environment, tactics that they use and their intensity of their threat and this can only be achieved with good command in place. This enable s the military troops to unravel truths about the enemy’s intentions, strengths and weakness. Consequently, the commander having the prerequisite skills and information is empowered to plan and deploy troops in a battle having situational awareness of the attacks.            Furthermore, commands aids in developing and setting suitable goals and devising mechanisms to adapt to those goals as the situation changes. Military authority lends a hand in developing appropriate action plan to attain desired aspirations. The power creates direction and focus that provides a vigorous approach for assessing numerous essentials of the force. Authority also provides for means of constant monitoring and evaluation to assess the adaptability of the mechanisms employed. Above all, it should provide an opportunity to conceal the military intentions against the potential enemies a long side developing a rapid response system. Briefly, good power and control should generate responsive actions that are appropriate, applicable, and decisive and secure (Shamir, 2011, P.79). Even though commanding system is constantly evolving, the basic nature is that war is undesirable and unwanted. Technological changes and improvements have les sened the demand for commands in the military environment. The evolution of commands has not kept pace with the complexities of warfare. Command seems to impart controls that are merely dealing with basic challenges of uncertainties of time. The impact of command remain static irrespective of the constant changes in the war‘s sophistications.            Another importance tool in the success of military operations is management. Management in broad spectrum refers to the acts of organizing and coordinating human resource to achieve a desired objective (Schwartz, 2006, P.24). It is an important component in success of any activity. The success of the military operations high depends on the capability of the senior officers. It is a very complex issue and therefore best explained through it features. Actually, management has been a matter of academic interest as scholars try to unravel its functions and features (Dudley, 2012, p.67). Like Leadership, management is referred as one of the strong military tool since there does not exist any weapon that can replace it. The quality of management largely determines the success of defence forces operation. The success with which the troops accomplish mission is depended on the management skills of the commanders. Managers attempt to balance the al location of resources to different units within an organization to achieve set goals. Management is one of the major responses to security issues that military highly value (European Conference on Knowledge Management, & Neto, 2010, p.79). Due to change and growth in size of defence forces, many complexities are evident in the military environments. To handle these sophistications, good planning, coordination and organization is paramount. Proper and equitable allocation of resources assures of balance between all the units of the defence that are interdependent (Ehlen and Harmon, 2001, p.88). For the reason of this mutualism, the success of one unit is the success of the entire system therefore the existence of effective and efficient management brings about a certain degree of consistency to the important decisions made by the military officials. In the military as quoted earlier management develops the capacity to goals achievement through proper organization and staffing hence s ets the organization structure and creates jobs to accomplish a military operation. This is achieved through care analysis of situations and providing a framework for accomplishment through decision-making. Management identifies a problem, suggests solution through process of problem solving and draws a plan for implementation (Ehlen and Harmon, 2001, p.89). Noteworthy, military is very complex issue with many activities running concurrently. These activities require planning coordination and balancing to have them executed simultaneously. For better results, motivation and inspiration on the part of staff is mandatory. Actually, management aims at maximizing human resource with the available skills and technology and it applies in the same way in the military therefore a key element in the success of military missions. For instance, good management in the forces helps officials to plan for financial resources and the numbers of troops to be deployed in a certain battle. (European C onference On Knowledge Management and Neto, 2010, p.106). In addition, good military management influences proper budgetary allocation by the supervision. Military administration is also very important in evaluating the success of an operation. In this, the operation is assessed whether it was time and cost effective. Management also assesses how a military activity achieves external goals. The results of evaluation helps the managers detect loopholes in the defence force and then suggest action to ensure that a nation is safe from all threats. In addition, management ensures that all the support organs of the military are availed for the continued success of the defence force. It may be argued that, the success of military lies in its management. Management combines all functional units in defence force and coordinates them to collectively achieve a collectively achieve a common goal (Dudley, 2012, p.109). According to the European Conference On Knowledge Management and Neto (2010) , management is a vital driving force that propels all the activities and the operations of the military. It outlines the necessary framework for the implementation of the policies and the decision made. In fact, European Conference On Knowledge Management and Neto (2010), proposed that there is need to improve management which is a vital element of military and effort mechanisms and should be put in place to improve functionality an endeavour that can only be achieved through training, benchmarking and motivation (Ehlen and Harmon, 2001, p.123). Institutions that offer military studies need to be boosted by the government through resource allocation with the core aim of improving the achieving high quality and efficient work force in the field of military. Additionally, the soldiers need some training especially in area that are highly challenging like the war torn area, where they are fully engaged in field operations. To achieve the overall success of the management other aspects should be incorporated to ensure balance among management leadership and command. The types of leadership with the defence forces help at streaming the command that exist. Management comes as a facilitator of the overall implementation of what is decided at the drawing table.            As defined earlier in the introduction, management in the military context refers to the allocation and control as well as the coordination of human, financial and material resources to achieve the goals and objectives set (Rodt, 2014, p. 77). Essentially, in matters concerning military operations, the measure for good management is the ability to achieve balance in all activities undertaken. For managers senior individuals in a military environment to ensure that their management operations are good and effective, scholars argue that knowing the roles they should play in order to achieve success is essential. Without good and effective management strategies in organizations more so the military groups in the fast-moving and dynamic environment, the operations tend to turn chaotic and this in the long rum may threaten success (Sooters et al., 2010, p. 128). As a basic factor and component of success in any organizational process and approa ch, management brings a degree of consistency to some of the critical decision made by the senior officials in the military. In the same way as in other organizations, management in the military has not been left behind in promoting staffing. It develops the capacity for military organizations to achieve their plans by aligning individuals into the positions they best fit (Rodt, 2014, p. 77). When deeply analyzed, management applies the same approaches as leadership and command. In this sense, separating the three in the military environment denies success a chance hence failure to attain the set objectives. In addition, in the military environment, management ensures plan accomplishment by controlling and monitoring through the analysis and evaluation of the results achieved versus the plan.            As leadership, command and management in the present times are more than the leader and the led, more than the commander and the commanded as well as more than the manager and the managed respectively, the officers of today in the military have to subtly develop good and effectual alternative ways through which, they will lead, command and manage efficiently. For instance, in the present the Royal Air Force subordinates are treated in ethical way such that they can question any treatment accorded to them by their seniors hence provoking the traditional methods that used to utilize the unquestionable commands form above. Actually, the traditional approaches that undermined the status of the subordinates should no longer be acceptable in any military environment (Sooters et al., 2010, p. 128). Today, military organizations due to good leadership, command and management can move from temporary and uncooperative systems to more empowered group s hence nurturing healthy, decent and valuable followers that with the post-bureaucratic minds can push any military agenda towards its success. Additionally, leaders, managers and commanders in the military should adhere to good leadership styles, team building strategies and matrix-style management that helps bring together military fraternity and inter agency operations in a fast paced, high tempo environment. At the same time, the officials should continuously and simultaneously design and implement policies and plans to maximize on group cohesion, promote subordinate potential as well as providing healthy professional ethics. With this kind of atmosphere in the military environment, this kind of leadership will end up creating more future leaders rather than developing lenient followers (Rodt, 2014, p. 77). Therefore, major purpose and goal of such up to date leaders, commanders and managers would produce change, transforming people and military organizations by setting and art iculating vivid vision and implementing effective strategies that inspire even others. Some scholars refer to the three as â€Å"The Success Trinity†. To sum up, good and effective leadership, command and management in the military context serve as the three pillars that support success. References Beerel, A. C. (2009). Leadership and change management. Los Angeles, SAGE. Boulder.CO. (2009). Military leadership in pursuit of excellence. Boulder, CO, Westview Press. Chapman, B. (2009). Military doctrine: a reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif, ABC-CLIO. Dudley, M. (2012). An environmental history of the UK Defence Estate, 1945 to the present. London, New York. Ehlen, J., & Harmon, R. S. (2001). Encyclopedia of knowledge management. Hershey, PA, Idea Group Reference. European Conference On Knowledge Management, & Neto, M. D. C. (2010). Proceedings of the 4th European conference on information management and evaluation: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 9-10 September 2010. Reading, Academic Publishing. Muth, J. (2011). 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