Monday, December 23, 2019
Not Enough Supporting Research for Addiction in Free...
So what? After reading Bruce Alexander’s and Stefa Shaler’s essay â€Å"Addiction in Free Markets†, this would be the first reaction of many readers, as it was my reaction upon completion of the essay. Although Alexander and Shaler discussed a very important issue concerning ‘Addiction in Free Markets’, they do not provide sufficient resources or correlative research to prove their argument. Firstly, their thesis statement does not agree with many of the facts and statements that are being presented throughout the essay. Moreover, the essay sidetracks from what it is trying to prove to other aspects in life that are not related with the topic, and the transition of paragraphs is also not smooth. Also, the centuries of English and Native†¦show more content†¦The â€Å"we†in this statement is ambiguous, and does not clearly define what vast majority group they are referring to. Although a historical context can prove to be useful in ma ny cases while reading a piece of literature, in some cases it can prove to be quite wordy and unnecessary. Moreover, I believe there are instances where phrases, such as â€Å"... must not be ‘distorted’ by personal loyalties, village or neighbourhood responsibilities, guild or union rights, charity, family obligations, ethnic tastes and aversions, social rules, or religious values...†(229) are just put in there for the sake of saying something. That statement, as others in the opening paragraphs, does not have anything to do with what the authors are trying to get across to the national body. Moving onwards, there is a disassociation between the thesis and the arguments that support the thesis. While the thesis is stating that an individual must â€Å"...find that they develop ‘substitute’ lifestyles in order to endure†(230), and then further along stating that Canadian natives have the racial inability to control alcohol (231); it almost seems that their issue is contradicting that statement. How can it be that an inability to control alcohol is the same as developing a ‘substitute’ lifestyle? On a similar note, Alexander and Shaler state that â€Å"the key to controlling addiction is maintaining a society in which every member is included in a largerShow MoreRelatedThe Harmuful Effects of Marijuana787 Words  | 3 Pages In 2006, A Drug Free Worlds The Harmful Effects of Marijuana†emerged in the media. ADFW reasons that marijuana is harmful in numerous ways, including cerebral damage and debilitation to the immune system. Throughout the article, they also try to persuade the reader that cannabis is a gateway drug that undoubtedly leads the users into much harder drugs. 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Researchers have shown that the number of nonsmokers is bigger thanRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1928 Words  | 8 Pages Food and drug administration is a department of U.S health and human services. It’s responsibility is to test the safety and efficacy of new drugs entering the market as well as to make sure that these medicines are quickly accessible to people. The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act has been passed in 1938 to ensure that foods other than meat, poultry and fish are clinically hygienic and safe to eat. This act also requires that the food should be labelled according to its content. ( Drugs andRead MoreDrug Addiction in Bangladesh4031 Words  | 17 PagesAssignment on Drug Addiction in Bangladesh [pic] Submitted To Dr. Ariful Bari Chowdhury, MBBS, MPH (Aus) Lecturer, Department of Public Health North South University Submitted by NAME ID Imran Ahmed 1020102030 Shuvo Ahsan Khan 1020085030 Mohammad Sazzadur Rahman 1020104030 Mahmudul Hasan 1020019030Read MoreCigarette Smoking and the Healthcare System in France Essay3089 Words  | 13 PagesIntroduction Cigarette smoking represents a huge burden for healthcare systems in any country. Ms Kristina Mauer-Stender, Program Manager for Tobacco Control in WHO Regional Office for Europe stated that tobacco use is not a choice: â€Å"It is a powerful addiction. The true choice is between tobacco and health†. Facts about tobacco use: †¢ Tobacco kills up to half of its users †¢ Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people each year †¢ The annual death toll could rise to more than eight million by 2030 (World HealthRead MoreThe Dangers Of Smoking And Smoking2682 Words  | 11 Pages they still have not figured out a way to ban smoking. The addiction from nicotine, the compound found in tobacco is similar to the addiction a person addicted to a drug like meth. People will go out of their way to get the satisfaction for their addiction. I spoke to a person that would rather smoke cigarettes than eat, this person smokes so much that he would waste most of his money on cigarettes than buy groceries or even have enough money to buy a meal at a fast food restaurant. He literallyRead MoreWhy Advertising Alcohol Is Destroying Public Well Being1897 Words  | 8 PagesSeattle pediatrician sums up the impact of alcohol perfectly: â€Å"The major problem of drinking is not addiction. It’s the consequence of useâ€â€the auto crashes, the lousy grades, the family problems and the sexual risk behaviors. Many times, these are the statistics that don t show up anywhere†(Ricc io). This is not the fate we want to assign to America, no matter the cost. Although many think commercial free speech is in jeopardy, a ban on alcohol advertisements is essential to promoting public health andRead MoreThe Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana1975 Words  | 8 Pageslower burden on law enforcement, increase national security, safeguards individual rights, and make consumption safer. Opponents on the other hand, argue legalizing marijuana would create a gateway for harder drugs like cocaine, emergence of black markets, create new users, cause health problems, and loss of productivity. The issue is thus a headache for the federal and state governments bearing in mind the public support that legalization has been getting over the years. Leaders and mostly governors
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Rape as a Weapon of War Free Essays
In recent years, global organizations have fought successfully to protect women’s rights and gender equality, and Gabon is determined to play its role in maintaining this trend. Gabon is against all forms of violence against women, and recognizes rape as a serious violation of women’s rights. Gabon also recognizes that sexual violence is perpetuated by War . We will write a custom essay sample on Rape as a Weapon of War or any similar topic only for you Order Now Currently, armed conflicts across Africa are forcing many women and children to migrate to unsafe territory, and increasing their vulnerability to poverty, abduction and human trafficking . These conditions directly expose them to rape and forced prostitution . Prisoners of war are trafficked into Gabon from Benin, Nigeria, Togo and Mali for prostitution, while others are brought as housemaids and eventually forced to become prostitutes . Human trafficking forces many innocent women and children to live in fear of being exploited. However, Gabon is committed to policies which will bring an end to sexual violence, as well as the conflicts which cause them . In 2001, Gabon enacted strict laws for the prosecution of child traffickers. Gabon has also established a national commission to fight child trafficking, chaired by the nation’s vice president . The Gabonese government also set up a free hotline to fight human trafficking and sexual violence in April 2003, in collaboration with UNICEF. This was the first initiative of its kind in Africa. Gabon recognizes that raising awareness of sexual violence against women is crucial to ending it. The government of Gabon is also confident that a centre to provide protection and assistance to the victims of human trafficking established with the assistance of the European Union in March 2002 will help to rehabilitate the lives of many war-ravaged and sexually abused victims . In January 2002, Gabon joined the the First Specialized Meeting on Child Trafficking and Exploitation in West and Central Africa, in Cote d’Ivoire along with representatives of African countries and UN agencies. Following this meeting, the Yamassoukro Declaration was adopted, upon which Gabon committed to collaborate with other African countries in campaigns against human trafficking . Gabon recognizes the Declaration as a crucial step in uniting womens’ vulnerability to rape across the region. As stated by former Prime Minister Jean- Francois Ntoutoume Emane, the ‘empowerment of women’ has been a major priority for Gabon. Gabon recognizes that women must be empowered to fight sexual violence, for the battle must be fought with them ang not for them. Country Report lt; http://www. protectionproject. org/human_rights_reports/report_documents/gabon. docgt; Ibid Ibid Policy Paper No. 14. 2(E) Human trafficking in Nigeria: Root Causes and Recommendations Country Report lt; http://www. protectionproject. rg/human_rights_reports/report_documents/gabon. docgt; Ibid Troubnikoff, Anna. Trafficking in Women and Children: Current Issues and Developments. Nova Publishers, 2003 Country Report lt; http://www. protectionproject. org/human_rights_reports/report_documents/gabon. docgt; Press Release No: UNIS/GA/1655. General Assembly Special Session Continues, as Heads of State, High-level Ministers Discuss Initiatives for Social Development. lt; http://www. unis. unvienna. org/unis/pressrels/2000/ga1655. html gt; How to cite Rape as a Weapon of War, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Cnit 176 Final Exam free essay sample
Multiple Choice (1 point each) 1. Which of the following is the technological advancement(s) that allowed the 4th generation of computing to begin? a. Vacuum Tubes Alternating Current Power Systems b. Transistors Alternating Current Power Systems c. Transistors Direct Current Power Systems d. Integrated Circuits VLSI e. None of the Above 2. In the model of modern computing systems, applications that end uses directly interact with are located at which level? a. Level 0 – Digital Logic b. Level 1 – Control . Level 3 – System Software d. Level 5 – High-Level Language e. Level 6 – User 3. In the model of modern computing systems, the physical circuits and gates that actually perform the basic operations the computer are located at which level? a. Level 0 – Digital Logic b. Level 1 – Control c. Level 3 – System Software d. Level 5 – High-Level Language e. Level 6 – User 4. Which of the following components of the c entral processing unit is responsible for retrieving instructions and then translating those instructions into executable operation codes and operands? a. We will write a custom essay sample on Cnit 176 Final Exam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Arithmetic Logic Unit b. Control Unit c. Registers d. Program Counter e. None of the Above 5. Which of the following is currently the most popular format for representing signed numbers in computing systems? a. Signed Magnitude b. One’s Complement c. Two’s Complement d. Nine’s Complement e. None of the Above 6. The unsigned 8-bit binary value of 10410 is: a. 1101000 b. 01101000 c. 11010000 d. 10010111 e. None of the above 7. The signed magnitude 8-bit binary value of 10410 is: a. 1101000 b. 01101000 c. 11010000 d. 10010111 e. None of the above 8. What is the value of the two’s complement binary number 10011001? . 153 b. -153 c. -102 d. 103 e. None of the Above 9. Which of the following character codes is the international standard for representing data? a. EBCDIC b. ASCII c. BCD d. Unicode e. All of the Above Inputs x y 00 01 10 11 Output f() 0 0 0 1 Figure 1 Boolean Logic Truth Table 10. Which of the following Boolean operators defines the truth table described in Figure 1? a. O R b. AND c. NAND d. XNOR e. XOR Inputs x y 00 01 10 11 Output f() 0 1 1 0 Figure 2 Boolean Logic Truth Table 11. Which of the following Boolean operators defines the truth table described in Figure 2? a. OR . AND c. NAND d. XNOR e. XOR Inputs x y 00 01 10 11 Output f() 1 1 1 0 Figure 3 Boolean Logic Truth Table 12. Which of the following Boolean operators defines the truth table described in Figure 3? a. OR b. AND c. NAND d. XNOR e. XOR x A y B C D Figure 4 Digital Decoder Circuit 13. Using Figure 4, which output will be set to a logical 1 when the inputs are x=1 and y=1. a. A b. B c. C d. D e. All of the Above 14. Which of the following is a CPU Instruction Type? a. Data Movement b. Arithmetic Operation c. I/O Instruction d. Boolean Logic Instruction e. All of the Above 15. Which of the following is an enhancement to the von Neumann architecture to increase the apparent speed of a CPU? a. Resource Conflicts b. Structure Hazards c. Data Dependencies d. Pipelining e. None of the Above 16. Which of the following CPU components is responsible for altering the normal flow of process execution? a. Accumulator b. General Purpose Registers c. ALU d. Control Unit e. None of the Above 17. Which of the following describes the process by which the least significant bits of the address determine which memory bank the data will be stored? a. Low-Order Interleaving b. High-Order Interleaving . Byte Interleaving d. Word Interleaving e. Nibble Interleaving 18. Which of the following is typically implemented using capacitors for storage of bits? a. RAM b. DRAM c. SRAM d. ROM e. All of the above 19. Which of the following is typically implemented using D flip-flops for storage of bits? a. RAM b. DRAM c. SRAM d. ROM e. All of the above 20. Which of the following types of m emory is highest in the memory hierarchy discussed in class? a. Main Memory b. L1 Cache c. L2 Cache d. SSD e. None of the Above 21. Which of the following types of memory is highest in the memory hierarchy discussed in class? . Main Memory b. L3 Cache c. L2 Cache d. Registers e. None of the Above 22. A CPU will always check which of the following memory locations first to find data not currently present in registers? a. L1 Cache b. Main Memory c. Secondary Storage d. The CPU randomly chooses which memory location to check first e. None of the Above 23. When a requested data item is available in a given level of the memory hierarchy when the CPU searches for it, it is called a: a. Hit b. Strike c. Miss d. Page Fault e. None of the Above 24. A Direct Mapped Cache system that has 16 blocks of main memory and 4 blocks of cache. If memory block 13 is in residence in cache, which of the following memory blocks will also be in cache? a. 9 b. 10 c. 3 d. 15 e. All of the Above 25. Which of the following attempts to be the most efficient use of limited cache resources? a. Direct Mapped b. Fully Associative Mapped c. Set Associative Mapped d. Indirect Mapped e. None of the Above 26. When a block of memory needs to be removed from the current level of memory hierarchy it is referred to as the: a. Dirty Block b. Block to be Removed c. Expendable Block d. Victim Block e. None of the Above 27. When a block of data is written to in Level 1 Cache and simultaneously rites the update to Level 2 Cache, it is called: a. Write-Back b. Write-Through c. Write-Around d. Copyback e. None of the Above 28. A hard disk is typically accessed using which of the following? a. DMA Character I/O b. DMA Block I/O c. Channel Character I/O d. Interrupt Block I/O e. None of the Above 29. What is the smallest unit of data that can be ret rieved from a hard disk and sent to main memory? a. Zone b. Byte c. Track d. Block e. All of the Above 30. The RAID process by which consecutive blocks of data are written across different physical disks is called: a. Mirroring b. Parity c. Slotting d. Striping e. None of the Above 31. The RAID process by which exact copies of blocks of data are written across different physical disks is called: a. Mirroring b. Parity c. Slotting d. Striping e. None of the Above 32. What is the term that describes when the CPU stops executing one process before all required instructions are complete and then begin executing another process? a. Timesharing b. SPOOLing c. Batch Processing d. Context Switch e. None of the Above 33. Another term for multiprogramming is: a. Multispooled b. Multiprocessor c. Complex State Transitioning d. Multithreaded e. None of the Above 34. Which of the following is responsible for providing the foundational interaction with the system devices for input and output? a. CMOS b. DOS c. BIOS d. CPU e. None of the Above 35. The special, reserved sector on a hard drive that stores the information to bootstrap the operating system is called the _______? a. CMOS b. DOS c. Master Boot Record d. BIOS e. None of the Above 36. Which of the following programming languages requires the largest number of CPU instructions to execute a single program command? a. 1st Generation Languages b. 2nd Generation Languages c. 3rd Generation Languages . 4th Generation Languages e. 5th Generation Languages 37. An operating system is the most popular type of: a. GUI b. Kernel c. System Software d. Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor e. None of the Above 38. Which of the following OS components is directly responsible for interaction with the system hardware? a. Command Line b. Applications c. Service Layer d. Kernel e. None of the Above 39. Which of the following OS components is directly responsible for processing and responding to text-based input from a user? a. Command Layer b. Applications c. Service Layer d. Kernel e. None of the Above 40. What is the technology that largely replaced text-driven, command-based interaction with the operating system? a. BIOS b. DOS c. GUI d. System Software e. None of the Above 41. Which of the following describes the average results that also consider the expected frequency of occurrence of possible outcomes? a. Arithmetic Mean b. Weighted Arithmetic Mean c. Central Tendency Theorem d. Trigonometric Mean e. None of the Above 42. Which of the following is the most common network architecture today? a. Ring b. Star c. Bus d. Mesh e. None of the Above 43. The network used today that is the combination of DARPANet and NSFNet is called: a. Supernet b. Internet c. CombiNet d. SkyNet e. None of the Above 44. Which of the following models is the de facto standard for current network communications? a. OSI b. SNA c. TCP/IP d. DEC e. None of the Above 45. What is the most widely used internetwork layer addressing protocol on the Internet? a. IPv4 b. IPv6 c. TCPv4 d. TCPv6 e. None of the Above 46. Which of the following network devices segments a single network into multiple parts (4 or more) and uses Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) addresses to determine if a frame should be forwarded to another segment? a. Repeater b. Hub c. Bridge d. Switch e. Router 47. Which of the following groups is responsible for drafting and approving updates to TCP/IP protocols? a. W3C – World Wide Web Consortium b. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers c. IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force d. ACM – Association of Computer Machinery e. ISO – International Standards Organization 48. Which of the following groups is responsible for drafting and approving Ethernet standards? a. W3C – World Wide Web Consortium b. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers c. IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force . ACM – Association of Computer Machinery e. ISO – International Standards Organization 49. Which of the following transmission media are nearly invulnerable to electromagnetic and radio frequency interference? a. Coaxial Cable b. Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable c. Radio Frequencies d. Fiber Optics e. All of the Above 50. An IP address a nd TCP port number form a(n) ________. a. URL b. Socket c. Connection Identifier d. All of the Above e. None of the Above 51. A(n) _____ contains a protocol, Internet host, port, and resource path? a. Uniform Resource Address b. Uniform Resource List c. Uniform Resource Allocation d. Uniform Resource Location e. All of the Above 52. When multiple elements are part of a single logical grouping, it’s appropriate to use the ____ selector to target them for formatting. a. Class b. ID c. Child d. Type e. None of the Above 53. An element is made up of ____________? a. Opening and Closing Tags b. Attributes c. Opening Tag, Closing Tag, and Attributes d. Opening Tag, Closing Tag, and Optional Content e. None of the Above 54. When using the CSS box model, content is configured with the following CSS declaration block. How wide, in pixels, is the resulting box? idth:250px; padding:10px; border:5px solid black; margin:5px; a. 250 b. 280 c. 290 d. 300 e. None of the Above 55. Referencing an external CSS file uses the ____ element. a. href b. link c. rel d. type e. None of the Above 56. Style follows a strict order of precedence to resolve conflicts. The order of precedence, from highest priority to lowest priority is ____. a. Internal, I nline, External, Browser Default b. Inline, External, Internal, Browser Default c. Inline, Internal, External, Browser Default d. Browser Default, External, Internal, Inline e. None of the Above 57. In HTML, which character is used to indicate a closing tag? a. * b. % c. \ d. / e. None of the Above 58. The tag is similar in formatting to ____. a. Italic b. Bold c. Underline d. Heading 1 e. None of the Above 59. The tag is similar in formatting to ____. a. Italic b. Bold c. Underline d. Heading 1 e. None of the Above 60. Which of the following is NOT valid XHTML? a. b. c. d. e. All of the Above are valid XHTML 61. What level of XHTML validation eliminates support for the element? a. XHTML 1. 0 Introductory b. XHTML 1. 0 Frameset c. XHTML 1. 0 Transitional d. XHTML 1. 0 Strict . None of the Above 62. The model that is dynamically built by the browser every time a webpage is loaded that defines the structure of each element and object on the page is called _________ a. SEM Structure of Elements Model b. EOM – Element Object Model c. PSM – Page Structure Model d. DOM – Document Object Model e. None of the Above 63. An XML document MUST begin with which of the f ollowing? a. b. c. b {color:green} What color is this text? a. Red b. Blue c. Green d. Browser Default e. None of the Above 69. Using the following markup, what color will the word â€Å"color†be? ,b {color:blue} What color is this text? a. Red b. Blue c. Green d. Browser Default e. None of the Above 70. Which of the following is the preferred method of formatting and displaying XML content as a webpage? a. A browser will render XML by default b. CSS c. XSLT d. XML modifiers e. None of the Above Matching (1 point each) 71. Can be embedded or external a. HTML 72. Requires the use of a either strict, transitional, or frameset DTD 73. Provides the structure of a web document 74. Enables data portability b. XHTML c. CSS d. XML e. XSLT 75. Translates XML into HTML or other usable output
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