Saturday, January 25, 2020
Organisational Structure of Red Rooster
Organisational Structure of Red Rooster Red Rooster is owned Australia chicken brand. Red Rooster (n.d.) stated that it has over 360 stores and 5000 employees and well established franchise support network so Red Rooster is great successful fast food Franchise Company Australia owned brand. Red Rooster support each restaurant franchises such as operation system, commercial and promotion of brand and it designed to take minimise risk and maximise potential. Australian Fast Foods possessed Red Rooster until 2007 but Anne (2007) stated that Quick Service Restaurant Holdings (QSR) has bought Australian Fast Food (AFF) what was the owner of Red Rooster through. Since 2007, QSR is owner under name of fast food restaurants Red Rooster, Chicken Treat and Oporto. Is it a corporation, listed company, private company, franchise, national, international Describe ownership structure (who owns the company) 1.2 Organizational Structure (120 words) Red Roosters Head office is located on Western Australia and Northern Territory State and the owner is QSR but Quadrant Private Equity (2007) said that Quadrant which is the venture arm of the Westpac supported $180 million to Quick Service Restaurants Pty Limited has achieve Red Rooster and Quadrant majority own QSR. Red Rooster built up the own web page for marketing of their products and brand and the company is using the news media such as the internet, newspapers, radio, TV and Magazines for sending their message to all location of Australia. Moreover, Red Rooster has been developed in collaboration with Australian Association of National Advertiser (AANA) which company has promoted and protected the interests of advertiser community for enhancing their quality of commercial communication and made relationship with entertainment brands such as DreamWorks, Wanner Brothers and Hasbro for promotion of products to children and their parents (Red Rooster, n.d.). Chief Executive Office on QSR is Mark Lindsay Chief Executive Office on Quadrant is Chris Hadley Contact person is Gary Glen Where is HQ Other organizations owned, or associated with them Who is the CEO: spokesperson or contact person? (Be specific this does not require an internal management structure) what are the cc communication lines Industry Activities (120 words) Red rooster is leading fast food service in Australia. They try to provide their products as possible as quickly with high quality, value of service and hygiene which means that provide services and foods to customer with high satisfaction and keep innovation of their product that focuses on consumer and their life style. Therefore, the aiming is exceeding customer expectations. Seliske, Pickett, Boyce and Janssen (2008) indicated that Food retailers were categorized as full service restaurants, fast food restaurants, sandwich shops, coffee shops and grocery stores. It shows that fast food restaurant is categorized on retailer so Red Rooster is including on retail industry. Purpose of retail is sales of goods or products directly to purchasers in fixed location where they are organized. What do they do What industry Wholesale, retail, manufacturer, importer or combination. 1.4 Theory Stakeholder (300 words) The important of managing the business activities should understand the directions of influence which managers operate business activities successfully and achieve the organizations objectives effectively and the direction of influence are incorporated in stakeholder which is that Freeman (1984) any group or individual who can affect or support by achievement of the organizations objectives. Robert (2003) said that business organizations are among the most powerful social entities on the earth. Therefore, the organization should manage and identify stakeholders interest, needs and point of view (Friedman and miles, 2006). It shows that the purpose of business activities should consider of maximization stakeholders interesting and their fairness. Mutual relationship with stakeholders is a crucial for all of organizations which means that building and maintaining friendly relationships with stakeholders is vital component for achievement of companys objectives or goals. First of all, t he most important action is that the company should indentify who are our stakeholders because in the business world, different stakeholders including employers, government, financiers and customers exist and quietly concern with companys business and different stakeholders have different interests for the company so the company is treated differently. Stakeholder theory is helping to this task. This is because Friedman and Miles (2001) has opinion that stakeholder theory or approach has helped to identify and pursuit stakeholder responses to changes in corporate strategy. Moreover, theory of stakeholder suggests the way how managers formulate and implement processes which satisfy all who have a stake in the business (Freeman, 1984). Second important action is making friendship with stakeholders. Mutual relationship with stakeholders is a crucial for achievement of the companys objectives. On the other hand, it has given guarantees the long term success of business activities. Argad ona (1998) stated that Stakeholder theory is concerned about activity management of relationships and the promotion of shared interest in order to develop business strategies. It shows that stakeholder theory is helpful that the company achieve the business goal effectively and efficiently. Freeman (1984) Stakeholder theory It focuses that the organisation should consider stakeholder interests when they make business strategic Bruning Ledingham (2000) Relationship management approach This approach function builds and maintains organisations relationship with stakeholders (Bruning and Ledingham, 2000) Compatible Type A: Defensive Quadrant Private Equity Top management Type B: Opportunism Investors of Quadrant Private Equity (can check at who is their investors. Westpac Bank Trade association (Advertising Federation of Australia, Australian Barramundi Farmers Association, Australian Chicken Meat Federation, Dietitians Association of Australia) Educationalists Incompatible Type D: compromise Low level employees Government Customers Creditors Labour unions Suppliers: under Finesse Food Pty Ltd Kailis Organic Grove Barramundi Retailer in Thailand Beverage companies such as Coca-cola, Nestle, need more Type C: Elimination Criminal members of the public Animal Welfare NGOs Type A is necessary compatible relationship which all of these have strong connection with Red Rooster. Therefore, the company should protect relationship with them as a strategy Type B is contingent compatible institutional arrangements. Between Red Rooster and group in type B have the same interests. However, Red Rooster has no direct relationship with type B group members. An opportunistic strategy is the logical strategy. Type C is contingent incompatible institutional arrangements. Red Rooster has separated unconnected and opposed the interests with type D group members. It becomes a problem when one of two parties insists on its position. The strategy should depend the company own interest to seek elimination. Type D is necessary incompatible relations. It occurs when material interests are necessarily related to each other but their operations will lead to the relationship itself being threatened. The situation logic is concession and compromise Customer, employees, local communities, suppliers and distributors, shareholders, business partners, Government Who would be the stakeholders? Plenty of stakeholders Corporate Identity 1.6 Theory Corporate Identity A corporate identity is expressing the companys reality such as character and personality as conveyed through the organisations name, logo, motto, products, services, buildings, stationary, uniform and all of physical materials to create by the organisation and communicate to a variety of constituencies (Argenti, 2009). Identity would be more relation with organisational behaviour and psychology rather than marketing. Strong identity can help the organisation align with the marketplace, attract investment, motivate employees and serves as a means to differentiate their product and services (Melewar and Karaosmannoglu, 2006). It shows that identity is an effective strategic way to gain competitive advantages. However, development corporate identity is difficult. Bridge (2004) stated that a corporate identity is not simply the creation of a logo and some communication material and needs to keep care of it to ensure that it says relevant to the organisation. Furthermore, corporate ident ity is associated with wide range of components (see the figure ). It means that the organisation should consider various components which are related with corporate identity. Corporate culture Corporate culture and corporate identity are certainly connected and it is very difficult to separate the two (Melewar and Karaosmanoglu, 2006) because corporate culture help to develop the organisation identity and it is also generated the identity of organisation. Corporate communication Corporate design Corporate structure Corporate strategy Behaviour Control behaviour: employees behaviour is significantly effects on corporate identity. It means that it is the company characteristic and In this section you give a definition and discussion of corporate identity theory (and cite the sources). If you read enough you can describe and introduce different components of what constitutes corporate identify. You may find some variations in the different theories on this theme and it is proper that you comment and cite them. Make sure that you identify the main features from theory (300 words) 1.7 Company identity, activities and tools Red Rooster is usually located the services are usually for people who do not have enough time or short time to eat their foods. It is offering as low prices, limited menu and fast service What do they do and where do they do it city centres, shopping centres, main roads, specialist precincts, industrial vehicle insignias Discuss those company communication activities which are specifically focusing on communicating its identity. Some of these may include slogans, buildings, layout, etc. give examples to illustrate (250 words) Are there differences in use of logo / slogans You may put a company logo or similar in this section Figure 1, Company logo ~ its gotta be red
Friday, January 17, 2020
Revivalism Essay
â€Å"Revivalism is an authentic Afro-Christian religious folk form that evolved during the eighteenth to nineteenth century. Initially, it was the native Baptist Christians who joined forces with the Moravians, and other non-conformist churches to become the forerunners of the movement. However, Jamaica was said to have experienced a religious movement called the Great Revival in 1861, which saw the incorporation of much more African retention in the movement. Pocomania is more African in form while Zion is more Christian oriented. †[1] Upon preparing to embark this journey, I was a bit disgruntled that I had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to go this â€Å"Watt Town†excursion, but I still approached with a open mind, though I had an idea of what to expect, seeing that I was already acquainted with quite a few Revivalists. Honestly I expected it to be a waste of time, but upon seeing the fellowship of my friends, while waiting on the buses which were scheduled to take us on our journey it got easier and easier, we engaged in jokes and hymns we swore were Revivalist hymns but Mr. Grey quickly busted our bubble and told us that those hymns were Pentecostal. We were greeted by a semi-pleasant but slow bus driver, but the vibe in our bus quickly took our minds off the length of the journey. I view Revivalists as highly religious people who are in tune with spirits with from various realms, known as Heaven, Earth and Ground spirit realms, I met with a lot of different Revivalists, but what I found rather interesting was the fact that the core of what they were saying were similar but they were also many subtle differences, For example I met with a man, whose name is Joseph Whitter, of the Olivette Seventh day church. nd he seemed to be quite respected in the church community, he blatantly stated at the beginning of the conversation that, â€Å"Revivalism is the only way to be saved†, we had a long drawn out discussion on what are my personal views on religion and the opening statement he made, where I told him that I strongly disagree with that statement and I believe that there is only one God and peace and love is the ultimate goa l, which everyone should try to achieve, no matter what religion one identifies with. I then met with Miss. Barbara Harper of the same church, Olivette Seventh day church, and she stated that people should go to any church they want to go to and do anything that is truly pleasing to God, when I mentioned what her church brother thought about the same thing, she said that there is no one way to get to heaven and that people spend more of their time in competition with other denominations and religions rather than giving praises to the most high. I laughed a bit and I was in total agreement with her statement. We then started to talk about her life, and how she was before she identified that Revivalism was for her, I could see that the movement actually helped her and improved her life, before moving on I thanked her for being so honest and reasoning with me, telling her that I would listen to her talk any day for she had a liberal and open mind and I absolutely hated radical minded people, who try to force their doctrines and beliefs down peoples throats. When we finally arrived at Watt Town, after our extra long journey I had no idea of what I was about to witness, the site was like nothing I had seen before, I was greeted by what had seemed to be hundreds of people, I discovered that Watt Town was having what had seemed like an inter -church convention. I saw children from various schools and young adults like our selves there to see this feat. One of the first things I noticed about the Revivalists was they were wearing different uniforms in different styles and colours, I wondered and asked why were they dressed like this and a kind lady told me that each church was represented by different uniforms. The seal is the focal point of the church; this is where the angels are believed to manifest themselves. This is the most sacred area of the ground and is a welcoming tool. The seal is a dominant feature in all revivalist churches because the seal encourages spirits which come and possess the members, enabling them to carry out their works of healing and worship. It is advised that one should walk around the seal three times to pay respect to the Tribune God. Some seals can be seen with silver coins in them, this is payment to the spirits for their help. The flags and banners we saw at the front play a very important role in the revivalism. A tall pole usually marks a revival ground. The flags on the pole are used to attack passing spirits, the attraction of spirits is very important to revivalism because they believe in many spirits and that they can be appeased or summoned to assist in their day-to-day lives. Each banner has its own purpose. Green means anything of nature, Blue and white means peace, pink love and red stands for the blood of Jesus. Upon venturing to the top of the structure, some pebbles started to rain from a roof top, some hitting my head, not understanding anything about what was going on yet, I didn’t take kindly to this, that confused me a bit more than I already was. When a group of us finally got to the top we noticed the different worship circles/prayer group, and I was pleased by some as I saw some circles which were mixed with members of different churches, this showed me that pride was not an issue and did not hinder worship, and the main goal, magnifying the most high, I stood in amazement right next to two worship circles and I heard various choruses, some I had heard before, some I had not, I was familiar with songs such as â€Å"Madda de great stone got to move†and â€Å"Rock oh! Rock holy, rock oh! Rock holy†. Being a musician I enjoyed this aspect of the excursion, identifying the keys and the chord progressions that would go with their simple but effective melodies. I noticed that even though their uniforms were different, they had many things in common, I noticed that many of them had head wraps with various pieces of stationery in the wraps, I laughed at this sight because I thought they were taking notes or something, but as I went on and I learned more I discovered that the pencils, rulers and scissors that I saw resting in their head wraps had special significance. The pencils and rulers signifies healing among the followers, the scissors were carried around by a specific set of people, known as the healers, who use the scissors to literally cut evil from around the persons being healed, as demonstrated to us by a young man named Otis. A few of the Revivalists were also seen carrying around a meter ruler, this was given to people who had been living a righteous life and who were slated to be married. We saw some people washing their face with sugar water, this was said to bring clearance and purity, the prayer shawl was said to represent the Tribe of Judah, as we learned that, like the Rastafarians there was a lot of African roots in Revivalism also, and they used red green and gold to identify with Ethiopia and Ghana. When I inquired about a lamp I saw an elderly woman carrying around, she said that the lamp also represents healing and spiritual light because revivalists don’t walk in the darkness. These healing symbols were brought from Africa with the slaves and became an integral part of the revivalist healing services. As a result the present day revivalist has maintained the practice. I asked some Revivalists of their actual occupations and from the replies I found out that they were either day workers, higglers or fishermen, (more than likely belonging to the lower class) I saw that this must have contributed to the scornful treatment by mainstream and middle/upper class Christians, They consider them to be highly superstitious, pagan, primitive and comical in ritual behaviors especially when they suspect them of practicing obeah. The disdain heaped on the lower class involved in revivalism can be traced to colonialism. Stratification was practiced on the plantation not only from the perspective of whites to none whites or but also among the blacks. The free slave felt himself above the house slave who felt they were superior to the field slaves and there was further stratification in that group depending on the gang to which they belong. Seaga, in his writings in the 1980’s explained that Revivalism also has different levels within its structure. There is the Leader who is the central figure of importance; below the leader are the armour bearer, shepherd boy and mother. The leader is never usually questioned on the reason for ritual observances. The ritualistic forms of Revivalism takes three major forms such as prayer meeting, street meeting and rituals for specific purposes for example tables, altars and baths. The meetings are usually opened to the public. Revivalism is divided into two groups, Zion and Pocomania, Pocomania is more African in form while Zion is more Christian oriented. they are referred to as 2 different spiritual groups the 60 and 61, the 60 spirit (Zion) are persons who believe in only one God, the Heavenly spirits, archangels, saints and angels. ho are viewed as firmly rooted and committed Christian. The 61 (Pocomania) spirit comprises of individuals who take commands from earth-bound spirits are the â€Å"Fallen Angels†(satanic powers), from God and from The Ground spirits are those of the human dead that are not biblically mentioned. I noticed that the people of the 60 spirit, look down the 61 in a way which gave me a feeling of segregation between both of the groups. I noticed that like other Christians, Revivalists also go on fasting sessions but they can’t just get up and fast they have to be ordered by the holy spirit. Also apart a Revivalists culture includes heavy usage of flowers they believe that when you place the flowers in water and go to sleep you dream see your future, whether it brings destruction or fortune. Some of my views on Revivalists were different after the trip, previously I thought that, Revivalists only went to church like other Christians and the worship was similar but I was mistaken, I also thought that they used instruments but I discovered that their bodies were their instruments, stomping and grunting to help them keep time and to provide percussive sounds. In my opinion the greatest gift Revivalists can give to the Jamaican culture, is their sense of unity, having being bashed for many many years, I saw that these people remained strong and stood firm for what they believe. That is what many religions and people of Jamaica need to survive through good times and bad, this was what I took away from the journey, and if I didn’t take anything else, I was glad I took this quality from the Revivalists, unity is strength and they will forever be a constant reminder of that value.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Developing Empathy Immediately Upon Returning Essay
My top priority is to develop empathy immediately upon returning. My lack of empathy is evident through each module and the Johari Window. A lack of empathy negatively affects professional relationships and limits my leadership effectiveness. Furthermore, this goal will help develop my ability to operate in the Steadiness domain which includes loyalty, helping others, and exceptional listening. Moreover, an increase in empathy will improve my â€Å"Individualized Consideration†. Thus, I will meet with the Deliberate Development (DD) consultant, a PhD-level coach, twice a month, and accomplish ten training sessions by 31 January 2017, beginning with empathetic listening. I will know I am meeting my goal through 90-day and 180-day feedback sessions with my commander and peers. . Second, I need to clean my own house. Based on the Johari’s Window, I have a few personal struggles I must address through counseling. These directly impact my leadership as I tend to over-compensate for each which negatively drives my â€Å"Worry Over Image†and â€Å"Drive for Success†potentially causing ethical traps. Although I try and do the â€Å"right†thing, I am sure these inner struggles have led me astray numerous times. Additionally, this goal will increase â€Å"Idealized Influence†to Airmen I lead who may be struggling with issues themselves. I will schedule an appointment through Mental Health upon my return and attend six follow-up appointments by 31 January 2017. This is an attainable, relevant,Show MoreRelatedI Am My Top Priority Essay1686 Words  | 7 PagesMy top priority is to further develop empathy immediately upon returning. My lack of empathy is evident through each module and the Johari Window whether it is intel lectual empathy, recognition of others, or in being emotionally present. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Business Ethics Apple, Inc. Essay - 1111 Words
Apple is a company facing a lot of ethical dilemmas. Since it is such a large and rapidly growing company, they face a lot of scrutiny from the media. Apple also faces a lot of pressure to be competitive in the technology market. As a result of this, companies tend to cut costs in as many ways as possible, some of which aren’t always ethical. One of the most typical ways businesses cut costs is by lowering production costs, which entails outsourcing for cheap labor. However, in order for labor to be made cheaper many sacrifices have to be made, which tend to be forced upon the workers by lowering wages, making working conditions unfavorable, and often by employing child labor. One of Apple’s major ethical issues is the problem of labor.†¦show more content†¦However, they didn’t actually do anything at all to improve the working conditions in the factory or the well-being of its employees. I propose that Apple should release a public statement cutting all ties with Foxconn and move that part of its manufacturing back to the US. This would admittedly be a highly costly procedure, as they would face increased employee wages and the cost of building a new factory, but would also have some benefits. Apple would be able maintain and even improve its reputation amongst consumers, which would draw more support from customers and stockholders. They could spin it as a campaign to make more American jobs and possibly, as an extreme measure, even run smear campaigns against the other companies which continued to employ Foxconn and other manufacturers which employ such blatant human rights violations. And, finally, it would help protect Apple from any backlash that could be caused if this news made it around to more of the general public. Another key ethical issue Apple faces is the implementation of its app-store. This ethical dilemma has many fronts, relating to anything from customer satisfaction to data security to copyright infringement et c†¦ There are also dilemmas with the degree of availability of the details behind the app-store and Apple’s approval process. The implementation of Apple’s app-store is an extremely important issueShow MoreRelatedChallenges Of The Business Environment Essay1373 Words  | 6 PagesChallenges in the Business Environment As many know, Apple Inc. is a company, which is located in California, its headquarters, and is a multinational technology company. Apple Inc. designs, sells, and develops computer software, online services, and consumer electronics. Not embracing advancements in technology, unethical business practices and competition are all parts of challenges in the business environment (Lawrence Weber, 2014). 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