Friday, May 22, 2020
The Game Of Baseball, That Most Americans Seem To Love,
The game of baseball, that most Americans seem to love, officially started on September 23, 1845 by the New York Knickerbockers. Before that time, there were some games that resembled it and that used the same concept that baseball does, such as cricket. Through the 271 years, there are some similarities in the game from then to now, however, the differences greatly outweigh the similarities. The 19th century was a different time for baseball. The equipment was home-made and did not have any regulations to them. We don t know much about what baseballs were like in the very early days, but we generally know that no two baseballs were the same (Ryder). Later baseballs were made by a hard core, that could be any solid substance like yarn or†¦show more content†¦In 1860, the first glove was spotted and it was catchers who were wearing them (which makes sense). The catchers handled hundreds of balls per game, catching pitches and foul tips. As the evolution of the glove kept going, the leagues made a rule which the catcher and the first baseman are allowed to wear a glove or mitt of any size, shape, or weight. All other players that played were restricted to certain dimensions. Today’s equipment is much more organized and not so jumbled up. The ball must be a certain size and weight. You can’t add any substance to them to make them increase your chances of succeeding, and if you choose to flout this rule, you will be suspended and fined greatly. The bat must be a certain length and weight also. It has to be a drop three which means the length and weight cant have a difference greater than three between them. It must be a certain type and be made of the same material. The gloves aren t all the same though. Everybody has a different size glove. The first baseman and the catcher have their own glove while the other players in the field have the same concept of glove. Although baseball from then to now has many more differences, there are still many similarities. How many changes do you think the ball has undergone since 1845 that changed the making of the ball? Not a lot(Evolution). It is more likelyShow MoreRelatedBaseball And Its Impact On Baseball1736 Words  | 7 PagesBaseball was introduced to America in the 1800s. As the game of baseball started to become popular, many people became interested in the game. Baseball fanatics fell in love with the sport, but not everyone could play. Racial discrimination found its way to baseball when the game was first discovered and created many controversies that prevented many colored players from playing the game because of their skin color. 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The first man to challenge the color barrier in Major League Baseball, Jackie Robinson’s upbringing led to him being one of the most well-known baseball players in history. Despite adversities, he fought for what was right. Before Jackie Robinson became the most famous African-American baseball player in the Major Leagues. He signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. In 1947 he was named Rookie of the Year, National League MVPRead MoreLou Gehrig Speech Analysis1622 Words  | 7 Pagesappreciation day at the ballpark. Lou Gehrig had been playing major league baseball for seventeen years and is one of the most well thought of players in the game. When the boy and his father arrive at the ballpark, Lou walks to a podium and begins to talk. Without any prior warning, this icon begins to talk about a deadly disease that he has been contracted with and that he must immediately retire from the game of baseball forever. The stadium sits silently and Lou continues to describe how he considersRead MoreRacism In Racism1362 Words  | 6 Pagesand be attacked by the harmful Jim Crow laws. Jackie was an astonished war veteran who just wanted to play baseball but was often dispirited by white people around him. He was drafted by the owner of the Dodgers, Branch Rickey, who believed in Jackie and understood the backlashing the team would receive while having a black man join professional baseball. Getting into professional baseball was much easier for Jackie compared to staying in it, while in the professional league he went through many
Friday, May 8, 2020
Examples Of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs - 815 Words
Group One, Question #1: Cite a passage that was particularly interesting to you and ask why. â€Å"Once, a good shepherd, who had lost all his wealth and possessions, and whose very last belongings were about to be repossessed for debts, was tending his flock near the castle of Boyne. He turned his glance to the castle and there, sitting in front of the entrance, was a young maiden, white as snow†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I found this passage thrilling because it was the first time I read about Snow White in a book. I remember as a child watching the movie â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs†, but reading it gives you many differences and similarities. As do many other stories. One example, â€Å"Not far from the city of Aachen there is a mountain in which Dwarfs once lived.†¦show more content†¦Their first collection of short stories was published in 1812. Many of the Grimms folk tales have been adapted by filmmakers and playmakers, such as Walt Disney. A few films include â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs†and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty†. Knowing about the authors and their darker style of writing helped me comprehend the amount of detail in each short story. Also knowing their German heritage shows what areas they are referencing, such as â€Å"The Mine Monk Of The Harz Mountains†. This area is a real mountain range in central Germany that is known for its folklore and fairy tales. Another reference depicts an actual city in Austria, â€Å"In the mountains overlooking Innsbruck in Tyrol there lived a Giant Queen named Mother Hà ¼tt.†Tyrol is an Austrian state in the Alps famous for its historic sites and folk traditions. Innsbruck became the capital of Tyrol in 1429 which is almost 400 years before Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published their first story. Group Two, Question #3: If a friend asked, â€Å"why are you reading that†, how would you answer? I chose to read this book because I am infatuated with the history behind the authors. Many of their stories have been adapted by Disney and other media companies. Reading this book helped me create my own image ofShow MoreRelatedNegative Influence Of Disney1423 Words  | 6 Pagesideals where women are pretty, domesticated, and nurturing, while men are portrayed as strong, wise, and adventurous. Though I concede that Disney may not be doing this intentionally, I still maintain that children are being affected nevertheless. For example, in the documentary, Mickey Mouse Monopoly, Dr. Elizabeth Hadley recounted a story about the three year old son of her caucasian friend and how after watching the Lion King, he associated the voices of African Americans with the evil hinas in theRead MoreThe Importance Of Fairy Tales1397 Words  | 6 Pagesand, as a result, the consequences th at follow, which allows them to analyze what happened and why. In â€Å"Cinderella,†â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs†and â€Å"Hansel and Grethel,†through the various obstacles that Cinderella faces to be with the prince and her interaction with her step-sisters, the Queen’s false intentions towards Snow White and her relationship with the seven dwarfs, and Hansel and Grethel’s use of sibling love to survive, the lessons of ‘true love is never easy,’ ‘never trust a personRead MoreSnow White And The Seven Dwarfs1522 Words  | 7 Pagesstriving to achieve perfect realism. Walt Disney’s Snow white and the seven dwarfs (1937) is one of the earliest attempts in capturing realism and achieving the ‘life like’, introducing new techniques such as roto-scoping in characters and multiplane cameras to create 3 dimensional depth. Therefore there are many flaws regarding techniques, style and narrative despite h ow much effort and care was put into its making. The scenes when snow white meets the dwarfs, sings into the well, and when the Queen transformsRead MorePerspectives on Gender Roles: Snow White and Mirrors Essay1049 Words  | 5 Pagesoriginal fairytale. In both stories Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs conveys a message about the mirror representing a sense of self on a superficial and deep emotional level. It reinstates many cultural roles that have been put upon both woman and men. It is a story of self discovery and whether or not the characters are able to develop throughout the story in relation to the affects to a â€Å"real life individual†. A common theme in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for both the Disney film and the 1812Read MoreSnow White Role Models Essay1271 Words  | 6 PagesA role model is a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a movie about a young girl whose stepmother, the queen, fears Snow White will be more beautiful than she is. 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To think if Walt Disney never shared his visions with the world, there would be no animation, amusement parks, Mickey Mouse, or any classic Disney movies like Snow White, Mary Poppins, or Beauty and the Beast. Also, children wouldn’t have gotten to experience walking through Cinderella’s Castle into Magic Kingdom, a child’s oasis. Although Walt Disney is no longer with us, the visions he had are now reality andRead MoreThe Reality as Opposed to the Disney Versions of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty1547 Words  | 7 Pagesoriginal tales to grasp the attention of a large audience. However, some of these interpretations hide the primary interpretation. The original interpretations of the Disney classics Snow White and Sleeping Beaut y are greatly reinvented from the original fairytales Sun, Moon, and Talia and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs because of the brutal nature of the treatment women in these original forms. Although there are differences in certain aspects from the original tales to the movies, there are manyRead MoreComparing Grimm’s Fairytale Snow White to Snow White, by Denise Duhamel1586 Words  | 7 Pages As a child, I was told fairytales such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs every night before I went to sleep. Fairytales are an adventurous way to expand a child’s imagination and open their eyes to experience a new perspective. Modernizations of fairytales typically relate to a specific audience, such as adolescence, and put a contemporary spin on the old-aged tale. Instead of using whimsical themes heavily centered in nature, the contemporary poems connect with the reader in a more realistic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Balance Sheet and Following Account Balances Free Essays
Retained earnings 109,oho 712,000 712. 000 b. Actual sales for December and budgeted sales for the next four months are as follow s: – December (actual) 2800 units It is expected that sales will increase by 40% in the month of January and by a further 50% in the next month. We will write a custom essay sample on Balance Sheet and Following Account Balances or any similar topic only for you Order Now The following month sales would drop by 50% an d then will will ream remain in cons Tanta for for the next next 2 moon months this – The management will not alter the selling price, which is currently $100 – Management wants finished goods inventory to be 20% of the following month’s sales – One units of finished goods require 2 kilos of raw materials. – The price of materials is currently $10 per kilo and is expected to increase by 50% in February hereafter it will remain constant for the next four months. – The management wants raw materials inventory to be 10% of the following month’s p reduction needs – Each unit of product requires 2 hours of direct materials for completion. – The laborers are expected to work for a total of 4000 hours per month at a wage rat e Of $6 per hour. Any additional work requires an overtime payment of time and a half. – Manufacturing overhead: variable: $5 per labor hours worked; fixed $17000 per MO nth. – Sales are 20% for cash and 80% on credit. Half of the credit sales are collected in the month following sale while the remaining half is collected in second month after the sales. The accounts receivable at December 31 are a result of December credit sales. – Monthly expenses are budgeted as follows: salaries and wages, $10,000 per month: a advertising, $70,000 per month; shipping, 5% of sales; other expenses, 3% of sales. Depreciation, I including depreciation on new assets acquired during the quarter, will be $42,000 for the quart err. – One- half of a month’s raw materials purchases is paid for in the month of purchase; the to her half is paid in the following month. Shipping expenses are paid in the month following the shipment. , while advertising I s paid in one month’s advance. During February, the company will purchase a new copy machine for $1,700 cash. Du ring March, other equipment will be purchased for cash at a cost of $84,500. – During January, the company will declare and pay $45,000 in cash dividends. – Management wants to maintain a minimum cash balance of $30,000. The company h as an agreement with a local bank that allows the company to borrow in increments of $1,0 00 at the beginning of each month. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month and for is How to cite Balance Sheet and Following Account Balances, Papers
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